Κυριακή 22 Ιουλίου 2018

One QuickSort for Strings and Numeric values, and data in arrays, with no Recursion.

This code is optimized. Run without recursion (use stack for values, which use heap to expand)

Class Quick {
      partition=lambda-> {
            Read &A(), p, r : i = p-1 : x=A(r)
            For j=p to r-1 {If .LE(A(j), x) Then i++:Swap A(i),A(j)
            } : Swap A(i+1), A(r) : Push i+2, i
      Module ForStrings {
            .partition<=lambda-> {
                  Read &A$(), p, r : i = p-1 : x$=A$(r)
                  For j=p to r-1 {If A$(j)<= x$ Then i++:Swap A$(i),A$(j)
                  } : Swap A$(i+1), A$(r) : Push i+2, i
      Function quicksort {
           Read ref$
           {If Stackitem() >= Stackitem(2) Then Drop 2 : if empty then {Break} else Restart
            over 2,2 : call .partition(ref$) :shift 3 : Restart}
Dim A(10)<<Random(50, 100)
rem : A(0):=57, 83, 74, 98, 51, 73, 85, 76, 65, 92
Print A()
Call Quick.quicksort(&A(), 0, Len(A())-1)
Print A()
Function join$(a$()) {
      n=each(a$(), 1, -2)
      while n {
            overwrite k$, ".", n^:=array$(n)
Stack New {
            Data "" , "", ""
            Data "", "", ""
            Dim Base 0, arr(Stack.Size)
            i=0 : While not Empty {let arr(i)=piece$(letter$+".", ".") : i++ }
\\ change compare function
Quick.LE=lambda (a, b)->{
      Link a, b to a$(), b$()
       def i=-1
       do {
       } until a$(i)="" or b$(i)="" or a$(i)<>b$(i)
       if b$(i)="" then =a$(i)="":exit
       if a$(i)="" then =true:exit
Call Quick.quicksort(&arr(), 0, Len(arr())-1)
For i=0 to len(arr())-1 {
      Print join$(arr(i))
\\ Fresh load
Dim A$()
A$()=("one","two", "three","four", "five")
Print A$()
Call Quick.quicksort(&A$(), 0, Len(A$())-1)
Print A$()

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