Τρίτη 28 Αυγούστου 2018

Game 2048

First publish in Rosettacode.org

Module Game2048 {
      \\ 10% 4 and 90% 2
      Def GetTlleNumber()=If(Random(10)<2->4, 2)
      \\ tile
      Def Tile$(x)=If$(x=0->"[    ]", format$("[{0::-4}]", x))
      \\ empty board
      BoardTileRight =lambda (x, y)->x+y*4
      BoardTileLeft=lambda (x, y)->3-x+y*4
      BoardTileUp=lambda (x, y)->x*4+y
      BoardTileDown=lambda (x, y)->(3-x)*4+y
      Dim Board(0 to 15)
      Inventory EmptyTiles
      \\ Score is a statement but we can use it as a variable too.
      \\ Win is also a statement but we can use it as a variable too.
      \\ Split Rem lines to insert start condition to check valid moves
      Rem : board(0)=2
      Rem : board(1)=2, 2, 2 ' place to (1), (2), (3)
            While len(EmptyTiles) {
            do {
                  if len(a$)=2 then {
                        Select case Asc(mid$(a$,2))
                        Case 72
                        Case 75
                        Case 77
                        Case 80
                        Case 79 ' End key
                        end select
            } until Action
            If ExitNow then exit
      If Win then {
            Print "You Win"
      } Else {
            Print "You Loose"
      Sub Process(Boardtile)
      Inventory EmptyTiles ' clear inventory
      local where, i, j, k
      For i=0 to 3
            For j=1 to 3
                  if Board(where)<>0 then {
                        if board(k)=board(where) then {
                               board(k)*=2 : score+=board(where): board(where)=0
                               if board(k)=2048 Then Win=True : ExitNow=true
            Next j
            For j=0 to 3
                  if board(where)=0 then Append EmptyTiles, where
            Next j
      Next i
      End Sub
      Sub NewTile()
            local m=EmptyTiles(Random(0, len(EmptyTiles)-1)!)
            Delete EmptyTiles, m
      End Sub
      Sub DrawBoard()
            Refresh 2000
            Cursor 0, 10
            Local Doc$, line$
            Document Doc$
            Doc$=Format$("Game 2048 Score {0}", score)
            \\ Using Report 2 we use rendering as text, with center justify
            Report 2, Doc$
            Local i, j
            For i=0 to 3
                  For j=0 to 3
                        line$+=Tile$(Board(BoardTileRight(j, i)))
                  Next j
                  Print Over $(2), Line$
            Next i
            Report 2, "Next:Use Arrows | Exit: Press End"
            ClipBoard Doc$
      End Sub
      Sub Gravity()
            for j=0 to 3 {
                  if k=-1 then if board(where)=0 then k=j : continue
                  if board(where)=0 then continue
                  if k=-1 then continue
      End Sub

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