Τετάρτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Dragon Curve

This program written for rosettacode.org.

Use Courier New for Windows OS. Works in linux with Courier. (For the title, see Legend statement)

Use second monitor (if there is no second monitor then open to default).
Update 2022: Esc key now blocked, you can use ctrl+C.

Module Checkit {
      Escape off
      def double angle, d45, d90, change=5000
      const sr2 as double= .70710676237
      Cls 0
      Pen 14
      Desktop Hide
      \\ move console full screen to second monitor  (1 or 2)
      Window 12, 1
      \\ reduce size (tv as second monitor cut pixels from edges)
      Window 12, scale.x*.9, scale.y*.9;
      \\ opacity 100%, but for 0 (black is 100%, and we can hit anything under console window)
      Desktop 255, 0
      \\ M2000 console can divide screen to characters/lines with automatic line space
      Form 60, 30
      \\ cut the border from window
      \\ scale.x and scale.y in twips
      \\ all graphic/console commands works for printer also (except for Input)
      Move scale.x/2,scale.y/10
      \\ outline graphics, here outline text
      \\ legend text$, font, size, angle, justify(2 for center), quality (non zero for antialiasing, works for angle 0), letter spacing.
      Color {
                  Legend "DRAGON CURVE", "Courier New",SCALE.Y/200,0,2, 1, SCALE.X/50
      Move scale.x/3, scale.y*2/3
      \\ twipsx is width in twips of pixel. twipsy are height in twips of a pixel
      \\ so we use length:twips.x*scale.x/40  or scale.x/40 pixels.
      \\ use % for integer - we can omit these, and we get integer by automatic conversion (overflow raise error)
      dragon(twipsx*scale.x/40,14%, 1)
      Pen 14
      Cls 5
      \\ set opacity to 100%
      Desktop 255
      Desktop Hide
      Escape On
      \\ Subs are private to this module
      \\ Subs have same scope as module
      Sub turn(rand as double)
      End Sub
      \\ angle is absolute, length is relative
      Sub forward(length as double)
            Draw Angle angle, length
      End Sub
      Sub dragon(length as double, split as integer, d as double)
            If split=0 then {
            } else {
                  Gosub turn(d*d45)
                  \\ we can omit Gosub
                  If change else {
                        push 0: do {drop: push random(11,15) : over } until number<>pen: pen number
      End Sub

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