Σάββατο 24 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Revision 13 Version 9.5

Fix a small bug: Test this lin  x=(1,2,3,4,5) : Print x#max()-x#min()

A nice task from rosettacode.org

Module Pairs {
      \\ written in version 9.5 rev. 13
      \\ use Gdi+ antialiasing (not work with Wine in Linux, but we get no error)
      smooth on
      Const center=2, right=3, left=1, blue=1, angle=0, dotline=3
      Const size9pt=9, size11pt=11
      Cls ,0 ' use current background color, set split screen from line 0
      Cursor 0,3
      Report center, "Coordinate pairs"
      x = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
      y = (2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0)
      dy=dx 'ratio 1:1
      Move Basex, Basey
      \\ draw use relative coordinates
      Draw 0,-graH
      \\ Step just move graphic cursor
      Step 0, graH
      Draw scale.x/2
      Step -scale.x/2
      \\ scX is 1, not used
      \\ Auto scale for Y, using 0 for start of axis Y
      scY=-graH/((max+5^log(max) ) div 100)/100
      \\ make vertical axis using dots with numbers center per dx
      For i=basex+dx to basex+dx*x#max() Step dx
            Move i, basey
            Step 0, twipsy*10
            Legend format$("{0}",array(x,j)), "courier", size9pt, angle, center
            Width 1, dotline { draw 0, -graH-twipsy*10,7}
      Next i
      \\ the same for horizontal axis
      HalfTextHeight=Size.y("1","courier", size9pt)/2
      For i=basey-dy to basey-dy*x#max() Step dy
            Move basex, i
            Step -twipsx*10
            Width 1, dotline { draw scale.x/2+twipsx*10,,7}
            Move basex-100, i+HalfTextHeight
            Legend format$("{0}",(i-basey)/scY), "courier", size9pt, angle, left
      Next i
      ex=each(x) : ey=each(y)
     \\ start from first point. We use Draw to for absolute coordinates
      Move array(x,0)*dx+Basex, array(y,0)*scy+Basey
      While ex, ey {
            Width 2 {
                  Draw to array(ex)*dx+Basex, array(ey)*scy+Basey, blue
      \\ second pass for marks and labels
      ex=each(x) : ey=each(y)
      While ex, ey {
            Move array(ex)*dx+Basex, array(ey)*scy+Basey
            Step -75, -75
            Pen 12 {draw 150: draw 0,150 : draw -150 : draw 0,-150}
            Pen 13 {
                  Step 200, -200
                  Legend format$("({0}-{1})",array(ex),array(ey) ), "courier bold", size11pt, angle, right
      \\ screenshot to clipboard
      Move 0,0
      Copy scale.x, scale.y to Screenshot$
      Clipboard Screenshot$

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