Κυριακή 18 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Revision 5 Version 9.5 and a URL Parser

Revision 5 of Version 9.5 is ready.

We can make a variable, named member here, as atype and optional we can provide a value.

Class Alfa {
      Enum atype {one, two, three}
      member as atype =two
Print a.member=a.two ' true

Print type$(a.member)="atype", eval$(a.member)="two", a.member=2

if we make another enum in module we can assign value to member, and internal a check happen if the value of external enum exist in internal enum.

Also I improve the speed of interpreter, and I make a better handling of out of order execution of statements for a thread from another thread. A thread running knowing the "owner", the output object. So if we make a thread in a layer, say a form layer, then all output (print and graphics) directed to that form layers.

This is the parser for rosettacode.org, including a sub for making a document for produce the output at clipboard

Module checkit {
      document doc$
      any=lambda (z$)->{=lambda z$ (a$)->instr(z$,a$)>0}
      one=lambda (z$)->{=lambda z$ (a$)->z$=a$}

      series=Lambda -> {
                  =lambda func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        if line$="" then exit
                        def p=0,ok as boolean
                        while k {
                              ok=false : p++ : f=array(k)
                              if not f(mid$(line$,p,1)) then exit
                        if ok then res$=left$(line$, p) : line$=mid$(line$, p+1)

      is_any=lambda series, any (c$) ->series(any(c$))
      is_one=lambda series, one (c$) ->series(one(c$))
      Is_Alpha=series(lambda (a$)-> a$ ~ "[a-zA-Z]")

      optionals=Lambda -> {
                  =lambda func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def ok as boolean
                        while k {
                              if f(&line$,&res$) then ok=true : exit
      repeated=Lambda (func)-> {
                  =lambda func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def ok as boolean, a$
                        do {
                              if not func(&line$,&a$) then exit
                        } until line$="" or sec=len(line$)

      oneAndoptional=lambda (func1, func2) -> {
            =lambda func1, func2 (&line$, &res$)->{
                              def ok as boolean, a$
                              if not func1(&line$,&res$) then exit
                              if func2(&line$,&a$) then res$+=a$
      many=Lambda -> {
                  =lambda func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def p=0,ok as boolean, acc$
                        while k {
                              if line$="" then exit
                              if not f(&line$,&res$) then exit
                        if not ok then {line$=oldline$} else res$=acc$
      Is_Escape=series(any("%"), is_hex, is_hex)
      \\Is_reserved=series(any("=;/#?: "))
      is_xalpha=optionals(Is_Alpha, is_digit, is_safe, is_extra, is_escape)
      is_xpalpha=optionals(is_xalpha, is_one("+"))
      is_fragmentid=lambda is_xalphas (&lines$, &res$) -> {
            =is_xalphas(&lines$, &res$)
      is_search=oneAndoptional(is_xalphas, repeated(many(series(one("+")),is_xalphas)))
      is_void=lambda (f)-> {
            =lambda f (&oldline$, &res$)-> {
                  if f(&line$, &res$) then {oldline$=line$ } else res$=""
      is_path=repeated(oneAndoptional(is_void(is_xpalphas), series(one("/"))))
      is_uri=oneAndoptional(many(is_scheme, series(one(":")), is_path), many(series(one("?")),is_search))
      is_fragmentaddress=oneAndoptional(is_uri, many(series(one("#")),is_fragmentid ))

      data "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"
      data "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose"
      data "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true "
      data "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"
      data "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1"
      data "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two"
      data "mailto:John.Doe@example.com"
      data "tel:+1-816-555-1212"
      data "telnet://"
      data "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"

      while not empty {
            read What$
            pen 15 {
            If is_scheme(&What$, &a$) Then Print( "Scheme="+a$ ): What$=mid$(What$,2)
            If is_path(&What$, &a$) Then {
                  while left$(a$, 1)="/" { a$=mid$(a$,2): count++}
                  if count>1 then {
                        domain$=leftpart$(a$+"/", "/")
                        if domain$<>"" Then Print( "Domain:"+Domain$)
                        if a$<>"" Then Print("Path:"+a$)
                  } else.if left$(What$,1) =":" then {
                        Print( "path:"+a$+What$): What$=""
                  } Else Print("Data:"+ a$)


            if left$(What$,1) =":" then {
                  What$=mid$(What$,2): If is_number(&What$, &a$) Then Print("Port:"+a$)
                  if not left$(What$,1)="/" then exit
                  If is_path(&What$, &a$) Then {
                        while left$(a$, 1)="/" { a$=mid$(a$,2)}
                        if a$<>"" Then Print("Path:"+a$)
            if left$(What$, 1)="?" then {
                        If is_search(&What$, &a$) Then {
                        if left$(What$, 1)="=" then {
                              If is_search(&What$, &v$) Then Print("Query:"+a$+"="+v$)
                        }  else Print("Query:"+a$)
            While left$(What$, 1)="#"  {
            if not is_xalphas(&What$, &a$) Then exit
            Print( "fragment:"+a$)
            if What$<>"" Then print("Data:"+ What$)
      clipboard doc$
      Sub Print(a$)
            print a$
      End Sub

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