Δευτέρα 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Revision 16, Version 9.7

1. Refactoring for more speed.
2. Addition: Functions in Math object (hyperbolic trigonometric functions)
3. Identifiers from M2000 vocabulary can be used variables/functions, temporary in modules and functions.
4. Addition of modules (M2000 programs) in info.gsb file.
When we install the language, the info.gsb saved in program directory. We have to do this:

dir appdir$
load info

so now we can press F1 to save the file in M2000 user directory (we can open this directory in explorer using Win Dir$  where Dir$ is the current directory as string and Win is the shell statement of M2000)

This is the screen of m2000 console when we load info.gsb (there are commands which run automatic). Info.gsb has 7749 lines. The modules have names as the statement Modules ? return. Also in editor we can use F12 to display a list in a form, and we can click in any name and we get the code in that form.

We can open for edit the info.gsb without loading the modules, using the name in quotation marks (we press Esc to return and save the text, or Shift+F12 to abandon any change):
Edit "info.gsb"

The cyan border help for TV, so we have a safety area to display.

New modules are:

kb, a keyboard for playing music (run on Linux through Wine but with no sound, because utilize the Midi, and Wine has no sound banks to reproduce sound)

FL, a demonstration of rotating flowers. Moving the mouse they separate more, but pressing left mouse button all flowers follow the mouse. Right mouse for exit, with a nice effect of rotating zooming text.


SH, demonstration: moving the console, and how we can get the desktop as an image.

TR, Three oscilloscopes, we can accelerate in any direction.

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