From revision 18 change the file. slight. Instead of use of "'" now use "!" for accurate search operation. Inside info there is a module name MAKEHELP with the updated version.
Also there is an EXPORTHELPNEW which export Greek or English help (ask to press G pr E). First import to a 2D array and make a sort on columns using first key on groups and second key on identifiers.
The mEditor in Info which is a GUI editor for M2000 programs, use two EditBoxes, one for editing the code and another for viewing topics from help.So the program updated to use either of help files, mdb and dat (the dat file is a text file in UTF8 format, where the memo field is one line using escape codes like \c\n for CRLF)
New Help File. (Not used any more, see above)
We can use the mdb (Access 2007 file) using switch "+mdb". By default now Interpreter use a dat file, A utf8 file including all help base, only for reading.
We can make the dat file from mdb using this program. To work this program we have to copy Help2000.mdb ro user folder (open with the statement Win Dir$) We get the export to the same folder
Module MakeHelp {
We can also read the file using M2000 code
also here change
The search is serial but very fast. We can find with little letters. eg THR return THREAD. We can use it for Greek and English identifiers. Write ALL to get all the identifiers.
Installation file now has this file help2000utf8.dat and not Help2000.mdb. You can find mdb file in Github here
Also there is an EXPORTHELPNEW which export Greek or English help (ask to press G pr E). First import to a 2D array and make a sort on columns using first key on groups and second key on identifiers.
The mEditor in Info which is a GUI editor for M2000 programs, use two EditBoxes, one for editing the code and another for viewing topics from help.So the program updated to use either of help files, mdb and dat (the dat file is a text file in UTF8 format, where the memo field is one line using escape codes like \c\n for CRLF)
New Help File. (Not used any more, see above)
english$="\"+ALL(i)#val$(2)+"'"+str$(ALL(i)#val(3),"")+change to that (check the ! char)
We can use the mdb (Access 2007 file) using switch "+mdb". By default now Interpreter use a dat file, A utf8 file including all help base, only for reading.
We can make the dat file from mdb using this program. To work this program we have to copy Help2000.mdb ro user folder (open with the statement Win Dir$) We get the export to the same folder
Module MakeHelp {
pen 14 : cls 5 flush \\DIR APPDIR$ \\ from installation folder use this Retrieve "HELP2000","GROUP", 1,"","" Read many Flush Dim Labels$(1 to 25), ser(1 to many) For i=1 to many Retrieve "HELP2000","GROUP", i,"","" drop Read where, Labels$(where) ser(i)=where flush next i Retrieve "HELP2000", "SELECT * FROM COMMANDS",1,"","" Read many dim ALL(1 to many) Document infoGr$, Info$, greek$, english$ br$={__<ENG>__ } nl$=string$({ } as json ) p1=1 for i=1 to many Retrieve "HELP2000", "SELECT * FROM COMMANDS",i,"","" drop ALL(i)=Array([]) Print ALL(i)#val$(2), rightpart$(Labels$(ALL(i)#val(3)), ","+chr$(160)) Print ALL(i)#val$(0), leftpart$(Labels$(ALL(i)#val(3)), ","+chr$(160)) greek$="\"+ALL(i)#val$(0)+"'"+str$(ALL(i)#val(3),"")+{ } english$="\"+ALL(i)#val$(2)+"'"+str$(ALL(i)#val(3),"")+"-"+Str$(i) if i<many then english$={ } end if infoone$="GR:"+ALL(i)#val$(0)+nl$+string$(rightpart$(ALL(i)#val$(1), br$) as json) info$=infoone$+{ } infoone$="EN:"+ALL(i)#val$(2)+nl$+string$(leftpart$(ALL(i)#val$(1), br$) as json) infoGR$=infoone$+{ } next Method english$, "SetLocaleCompare", 1033 Method english$, "SetBinaryCompare" Sort english$ Dir User \\ open this using Win Dir$ open "Help2000.dat" for wide output as #k Print #k, Len(Labels$()) for i=1 to len(Labels$()) Print #k, Labels$(i) next i Print #k, Many Print #k, infoGr$;info$;greek$;english$ close #k clear Document ALL$, all1$ Load.doc ALL$, "help2000.dat" print filelen("help2000.dat") save.doc all$,"help2000utf8.dat", 2 ' utf-9 print filelen("help2000utf8.dat") } MakeHelp
We can also read the file using M2000 code
also here change
Print leftpart$(Ret$,"'") lbl=Val(Rightpart$(Ret$,"'"))to
Print leftpart$(Ret$,"!") lbl=Val(Rightpart$(Ret$,"!"))
The search is serial but very fast. We can find with little letters. eg THR return THREAD. We can use it for Greek and English identifiers. Write ALL to get all the identifiers.
Module ReadHelp { flush Document ALL$ Load.doc ALL$, "help2000utf8.dat" A=Val(paragraph$(ALL$, 1)) B=Val(paragraph$(ALL$, 2+A)) Find ALL$, paragraph$(ALL$,2+A+1+2*B) Read where, no_par, bb Find ALL$, paragraph$(ALL$,2+A+1+3*B), where drop : read no_par2 flush do Input "give a name OR - TO EXIT:", aName$ if aName$="-" then exit if aName$="" then continue Find ALL$, "\"+ucase$(aName$), where Read Where1 if Where1>0 then read There : drop Ret$=mid$( Paragraph$(ALL$, There), 2) Print Ret$ Print leftpart$(Ret$,"'") lbl=Val(Rightpart$(Ret$,"'")) info=Val(Rightpart$(Ret$,"-")) if info=0 then Print lbl Print LeftPart$(Paragraph$(All$,lbl+1), ", ") Report format$(paragraph$(ALL$,2+A+1+There-no_par)) else Print lbl, info Print RightPart$(Paragraph$(All$,lbl+1), ", ") Report format$(paragraph$(ALL$,2+A+B+info)) end if end if flush Always } ReadHelp
Installation file now has this file help2000utf8.dat and not Help2000.mdb. You can find mdb file in Github here
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