Κυριακή 28 Ιουνίου 2020

Revision 33, Version 9.9 Types for Groups

From this revision Groups may have types. A type can be used to restrict the parameter list to specific objects. Also in a method of object not only has in scope own privates members but also form those objects with the same type(s) (all types must be the same) which passed to method, private variables act as public.

In the following example there are two modules which have same output. One module use  named groups (a kind of static and passing by reference (see: &a as alfa ), and the other use pointers to groups and passing by pointer, (see: a as *alfa).

All classes make types automatic. Groups can be use types, or not. Merging a not typed group add functionality without changing the type.

module UsingNamedObjects {
    \\ private members used as public inside a method
    \\ for any object.
    class alfa {
        dim a()
        module changethis (&p as alfa) {
            \\ m is a pointer to array (mArray object)
            \\ p.a() not work outside an alfa type method
            \\ pointer to arrays have some operators
            Print type$(m)
        module PrintMe {
            \\ we can use .a() or this.a()
            print this.a()
        Remove {
            Print "alfa type object deleted"
        module alfa (n) {
            \\ redim array
            dim .a(10)=n
    \\ So now we pass pointer c to b.changethis
    b.changethis &b
    b.changethis &c
    \\ only manual we can call the remove function for named objects
    Clear b, c

module UsingPointersToObjects {
    \\ private members used as public inside a method
    \\ for any object.
    class alfa {
        dim a()
        module changethis (p as *alfa) {
            \\ m is a pointer to array (mArray object)
            \\ p=>a() not work outside an alfa type method
            \\ pointer to arrays have some operators
            Print type$(m)
        module PrintMe {
            \\ we can use .a() or this.a()
            print this.a()
        Remove {
            Print "alfa type object deleted"
        module alfa (n) {
            \\ redim array
            dim .a(10)=n
    \\ So now we pass pointer c to b.changethis
    b=>changethis b
    b=>changethis c
    \\ now b and c erased
    \\ and because no other pointers hold the objects, destroyed.
    \\ so the remove function call automatic

Bellow is another example with 3 different implementations for same output.

Report {
          Tree traversal
                  / \
                 /   \
                /     \
               2       3
              / \     /
             4   5   6
            /       / \
           7       8   9

Pen 15 {Report "Using types in class Node"}
Module OOP {
      Class Node {
            \\ Pointer() of Pointer(0) is the Null type pointer
            x, LeftNode=Pointer(), RightNode=Pointer()
            Module preorder (visitor){
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module inorder (visitor){
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module postorder (visitor) {
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module level_order (visitor){
                  M=stack:= Pointer(This)
                  \\ using M as FIFO
                  Stack M {
                        if empty then exit
                        Read T
                        if T is type Node Then
                              call visitor(T=>x)
                              Data T=>LeftNode, T=>RightNode
                        end if
            remove {
                   print format$("node {0} destroyed", .x)
            Module Node {
                  Read .x, .LeftNode, .RightNode
      \\ Function NodeTree return a pointer to a new Node
      Function NodeTree {
            \\ ![] pass currrent stack to Node()
      \\ Tree is type Node

      Tree=NodeTree(1, NodeTree(2,NodeTree(4, NodeTree(7)), NodeTree(5)), NodeTree(3, NodeTree(6, NodeTree(8), NodeTree(9))))

      printnum=lambda (title$) -> {
            Print title$;
            =lambda (x)-> {
                  Print x;" ";
      Tree=>preorder printnum("preorder:    ")
      Tree=>inorder printnum("inorder:     ")
      Tree=>postorder printnum("postorder:   ")
      Tree=>level_order printnum("level-order: ")

Pen 15 {Report "Using types and  inheritance: a class Tree as a class Node, which returns a pointer to Tree object"}

Module OOP {
      Class Node {
            \\ Pointer() of Pointer(0) is the Null type pointer
            x, LeftNode=Pointer(), RightNode=Pointer()
            Module preorder (visitor){
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module inorder (visitor){
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module postorder (visitor) {
                  sub printtree(T)
                        If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                        call visitor(T=>x)
                  end sub
            Module level_order (visitor){
                  M=stack:= Pointer(This)
                  \\ using M as FIFO
                  Stack M {
                        if empty then exit
                        Read T
                        if T is type Null Else
                              call visitor(T=>x)
                              Data T=>LeftNode, T=>RightNode
                        end if
            remove {
                   print format$("node {0} destroyed", .x)
     Class Tree as Node {
            value (xval) {
                  Read ? .LeftNode, .RightNode
      \\ now NodeTree is a static group with value which generate other trees.
      \\ Tree is type Tree
      Tree=NodeTree(1, NodeTree(2,NodeTree(4, NodeTree(7)), NodeTree(5)), NodeTree(3, NodeTree(6, NodeTree(8), NodeTree(9))))

      printnum=lambda (title$) -> {
            Print title$;
            =lambda (x)-> {
                  Print x;" ";
      Tree=>preorder printnum("preorder:    ")
      Tree=>inorder printnum("inorder:     ")
      Tree=>postorder printnum("postorder:   ")
      Tree=>level_order printnum("level-order: ")

Pen 15 {Report "Using types and inner class Node in a class Tree which returns a pointer to Node object"}

Module OOP {
      Class Tree {
            Class Node {
                  \\ Pointer() of Pointer(0) is the Null type pointer
                  x, LeftNode=Pointer(), RightNode=Pointer()
                  Module preorder (visitor){
                        sub printtree(T)
                              If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                              call visitor(T=>x)
                        end sub
                  Module inorder (visitor){
                        sub printtree(T)
                              If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                              call visitor(T=>x)
                        end sub
                  Module postorder (visitor) {
                        sub printtree(T)
                              If T is type Null Then Exit sub
                              call visitor(T=>x)
                        end sub
                  Module level_order (visitor){
                        M=stack:= Pointer(This)
                        \\ using M as FIFO
                        Stack M {
                              if empty then exit
                              Read T
                              if T is type Node Then
                                    call visitor(T=>x)
                                    Data T=>LeftNode, T=>RightNode
                              end if
            remove {
                   print format$("node {0} destroyed", .x)
                  Module Node {
                        Read .x, .LeftNode, .RightNode
            value (xval as double) {
                  Rem {
                        Read ? LeftNode, RightNode
                        ->.Node(xval,LeftNode, RightNode)
      \\ now NodeTree is a static group with a private Node class
      \\ return a pointer to a Node object
      \\ Tree is type Node
      Tree=NodeTree(1, NodeTree(2,NodeTree(4, NodeTree(7)), NodeTree(5)), NodeTree(3, NodeTree(6, NodeTree(8), NodeTree(9))))

      printnum=lambda (title$) -> {
            Print title$;
            =lambda (x)-> {
                  Print x;" ";
      Tree=>preorder printnum("preorder:    ")
      Tree=>inorder printnum("inorder:     ")
      Tree=>postorder printnum("postorder:   ")
      Tree=>level_order printnum("level-order: ")

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