Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Version 12 now is ready (99%) and work nice.

 The new version has these:

New expression evaluator: -2^2-2^2 now return -8 (older versions return 0). So Version 12 on evaluator is not compatible with older versions. Although the difference is small, some programs may need work to used with Version 12.

String variables on older and this version can have suffix $, but for older versions this was mandatory. Now the new evaluator check the types and perform string concatenation if found a string in a series of addition. So new version do that ? 123+"mm" return 123mm as string value.? 

Example 1


? "["+a+"]"="[100]"

return true

Example 2


? 123.45

return 123,45  (in code decimal pointer is always dot but print use the current one. We can change it using Greek, Latin or Locale 1033 or other number, so according locale id we get the decimal point to be used for input and print from M2000. console.

Evaluator convert always like code, using dot for decimal point.


? "["+a+"]"="[123.45]"

? "["+str$(a, 1032)+"]"  'ising Str$() to choose locale id for specific conversion.

String internal functions have $ suffix (for compatibility with older versions).

I have to make the new manual, there are plenty of new thing, so stay tuned....


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