Πέμπτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Version 12, Revision 8

Here is the module rosetta (in info.gsb). This example use the WebBrowser control. The name of it is shell.explorer.2 and we make additional event sink for the document (an object inside WebBrowser). The document always change so we make new event sink every time.

Event functions use dot if it is a control, or underscore it it is a com object. Here the variable alfa hold the com object document, so we use underscore character as alfa_ondblclick for the name of event function.

The stack of values may have arguments. For the external controls we don't know if it is by value or by reference, something the object pass to us, so we use by reference. Com objects send any form, so we have to see it using Stack.  If we don't read the arguments nothing wrong happen, for service functions. Also remember that these functions are like part of module, which usse the same space name, same scope as the module (here all the code is in one module).

// Need version 12, revision 8  and up
linespace 0
form 80
' just make the dummy event place, because event functions clear the "event hidden variable"
declare withevents alfa
declare Form1 form
with form1, "Title" as Form1.Title$
declare wb type "shell.explorer.2" form Form1
//print type$(wb)
method Form1,"move", 1000, 1000, 14000, 12000
Layer Form1 {Gradient 11, #7777aa}
method wb, "move", 1000, 1000, 12000, 10000
with wb, "silent", true, "object" set wb1, "visible" as visible
with wb,"RegisterAsBrowser", true
method wb,"Navigate2", "https://rosettacode.org"
with wb1, "readystate" as readystate

function wb.TitleChange {
read new &a$
Pen 15 {Print "Title:"; a$}
function alfa_onmousewheel {
Print "You rotate the mouse wheel"
function alfa_ondblclick {
Print "Double Click, wow"
function alfa_onkeydown {
read new a, b
local object pa, ev1
local keycode
with alfa, "parentWindow" set pa
with pa, "event" set ev1
with ev1, "keycode" get keycode
print "this is the key:", keycode
function wb.BeforeNavigate2 {
Pen 15 {? "_BeforeNavigate2"}
// stack
// we get the document each time a Document Complete
// and we make a new event sink object
function wb.DocumentComplete {
with wb, "document" get withevents alfa
Pen 11 {print "DocumentComplete"}
function form1.click {
visible=not visible
print readystate
print type$(alfa)
method Form1 "show", 1

declare Form1 nothing

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