Τετάρτη 17 Μαΐου 2017

Αναθεώρηση 25 (Έκδοση 8.7)

Σε αυτήν την αναθεώρηση βελτίωσα τις φόρμες σε ότι αφορά τις γραμματοσειρές, ώστε σε οθόνες με διαφορετικά dpi (από τα 96) να προσαρμόζονται αυτόματα τα αρχικά μεγέθη.

Στην εικόνα, σε Windows 8, έχει οριστεί μεγέθυνση 125%. Το πορτοκαλί παράθυρο είναι φόρμα της Μ2000, με δυνατότητα να χρωματίζει κώδικα της Visual Basic 6. Στο αριστερά κάτω παράθυρο φαίνεται μέρος του κώδικα (έχει δημοσιευθεί, αλλά τον βάζω ξανά παρακάτω)

Έχω προσαρμόσει την φόρτωση κειμένου σε μετατροπή από ελληνικό ANSI (με το 1049 μπορεί να διαβάζει ρωσικό ANSI (8bit). H LoadDoc μπορεί να διαβάσει και UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE.
Ονομάζουμε μια ιδιότητα MenuGroup με το "this" ώστε όλα τα στοιχεία του μενού να συνδέονται μεταξύ τους (είναι combobox που λειτουργούν ως μενού).

\\ notepad
Clear \\ Clear all variables/objects
Flush \\ Empty the stack
Title$="M2000 Pad"
Dir User
Declare NotePad Form
Declare Pad EditBox Form NotePad
Declare Inform1 Button Form NotePad
Method Inform1, "Colors", 15, #FFA000
With Inform1, "Locked", true
Declare File1 Combobox Form NotePad
Declare Edit1 Combobox Form NotePad
Declare Help1 Combobox Form NotePad
With File1,"label","File", "listtext" As list$, "list" As list$() '
With Edit1,"label","Edit",  "Mark", Color(255,100,0)
With Help1,"label","Help",  "Mark", Color(255,100,0)
With NotePad, "Title" As Caption$, "Visible" As Visible, "TitleHeight" As tHeight, "Sizable", True
With Pad, "Text" As Pad.Text$, "ShowAlways", True,"NoColor", True,"SelLength" as SelLength
Def TitleStr$(a$)=ucase$(left$(a$,1))+mid$(a$,2)
Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
title caption$
Method NotePad,"move", 2000, 4000, 8000, 4000
Layer NotePad {Cls #FFA000}
With File1,"MenuStyle", True, "MenuWidth", 3000
With Edit1,"MenuStyle", True, "MenuWidth", 3000,"menuEnabled" as Enabled()
With Help1,"MenuStyle", True, "MenuWidth", 3000
With File1, "MenuEnabled" As mEnable()
For This {
      mi$="MenuItem"  \\ is a temporary variable only for For This Block
      With File1, "MenuGroup","This"
      Method File1, mi$,"Open",True
      Method File1, mi$,"Save",True
      Method File1, mi$,""    \\  only  a line here
      Method File1,"MenuRadio", "txt files", True, True
      Method File1,"MenuRadio", "bas files", True ,False
      Method File1, mi$,""
      Method File1, mi$,"Close",True
      Method File1, mi$,""
      Method File1, mi$,"Quit",True
      With Edit1, "MenuGroup","This"
      Method Edit1, mi$,"Cut",False
      Method Edit1, mi$,"Copy",False
      Method Edit1, mi$,"Paste",True
      Method Edit1, mi$,""
      Method Edit1, mi$,"Less Indent",True
      Method Edit1, mi$,"More Indent",True
      With Help1, "MenuGroup","This"

Document BackUp$="Write something..."
Function NotePad.Unload {
      Read New &Ok
      After 30 {call local File1.DblClick(8) }

Function Notepad.Resize {
      Layer NotePad { Cls Color(255, 160, 0) ,0}
      With NotePad, "Width" As NP.Width, "Height" As NP.Height, "TitleHeight" As tHeight
      Method File1,"move", twipsX*2, tHeight, twipsX*80, tHeight
      Method Edit1,"move", twipsX*2+twipsX*80, tHeight, twipsX*80, tHeight
      Method Help1,"move", twipsX*2+twipsX*160, tHeight, twipsX*80, tHeight
      Method Inform1,"move", twipsX*2+twipsX*240, tHeight, twipsX*160, tHeight
      If NP.height>1000 Then {
            Method Pad,"move", twipsX*2, tHeight1, NP.Width-twipsX*5, NP.Height-tHeight1-twipsx*3
            With Pad, "NoWrap" As NoWrap
            If Not NoWrap Then Method Pad,"Resize"
Function Edit1.OpenMenu {
            Local X

Function Edit1.DblClick {
      Read Local Edit1index
      Select Case Edit1index
      Case 0
            Method Pad,"mn1sub"
            Method Pad,"Resize"
      Case 1
            Method Pad,"mn2sub"
      Case 2
                 Method Pad, "mn3sub"
                 Method Pad,"GetFocus"
                 Method Pad,"Resize"
        Case 4
                  Method Pad,"PressKey", 9, 1
        Case 5
                  Method Pad,"PressKey", 9, 0
      End Select

Function Pad.Inform {
      Read New L, P
      With Inform1, "Caption", format$("{0}-{1}", L,P)
      Method Pad,"Show"
Function Pad.PopUp {
      Read Local X, Y
      Method Pad,"PopUpMenu", "",X , Y
Function File1.MenuChecked {
Read New RadioIndex \\ 3 or 4
If RadioIndex =3 then {
      After 30 { local a$="."+file.type$(Filename$), b$=File.name$(Filename$)
      Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
      With Pad, "ColorCollection1", "","NoColor", True
      Method Pad, "Show"
} else.if RadioIndex =4 then {
     After 30 { local a$="."+file.type$(Filename$), b$=File.name$(Filename$)
      Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
      Method Pad, "ReColor"
      Method Pad, "Show"

Function File1.DblClick {
\\ we use functions As subs here
\\ each function and each module have a name (define a namespace)
\\ but here real module name is the File1.DblClick() host module
\\ this is done because is a Gui Event Service Function
\\ and is call with Local tag (Call Local)
      Read New File1index
      Local cont, cont2, f$, NL$={
      \\ Because we want some jumps..we use  On Goto
      \\ on Goto need here a block
      On File1index Goto Open1, Save1, ExitNow, ExitNow, ExitNow, ExitNow, Save2, ExitNow, Unload
      If Pad.Text$<>BackUp$ Then {
            If Ask("Save Changes first?",Title$, "Yes","No")=1 Then Goto Save1
     Layer NotePad {
           Open.file filename$,,"Load Text ("+typ$+") File",typ$
     Method Pad,"GetFocus"
     Read f$
     If f$<>"" Then {
           If exist(F$) then {

           Clear BackUp$
           Load.Doc BackUp$, f$, 1032 \\ Greek - 1049 for Russian
           Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
           title caption$
           } else Pad.text$="": Clear BackUp$
           Method Pad, "ReColor"
      Layer NotePad {
            Save.As Filename$,,"Save Text ("+typ$+") File",typ$
      if not cont2 then Method Pad,"GetFocus"
      Read f$
      If f$="" Then Exit
      If lcase$(file.type$(f$))<>typ$ then f$=f$+"."+typ$
      If Exist(f$) Then If Ask(NL$+"Overwrite"+NL$+f$,Title$, "Yes","No")<>1 Then Exit
      Try ok {
        Flush BackUp$
        Save.Doc BackUp$, f$
        Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
     If ok else beep
     If not cont then Exit
      If Pad.Text$<>BackUp$ Then {
            If Ask("Save Changes?",Title$, "Yes","No")=1 Then Goto Save1
      Clear BackUp$
      If Cont2 then {
            Method NotePad, "CloseNow"
      } Else {
            Caption$=TitleStr$(File.Name$(Filename$)) +" - M2000 Pad"
            Method Pad, "Resize"
      Cont2=True : Goto Save2
Function Help1.OpenMenu {
      Local A, info$
            This is an example
            of a notepad
            written for M2000 Environment
            use F1 to change wrap
      Method Pad, "GetFocus"

Call Local Notepad.Resize()
\\ open As modal
Title Title$, 0
After 100 {Title Title$}
Method NotePad,"Show" , 1 \\ 1 for Modal
Declare Pad Nothing
Declare NotePad Nothing
Print "Done"

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