The final task for a compiler written in M2000 for
Four parts:
Four parts:
- Lexical_analyzer
- Syntax_analyzer
- CodeGenerator
- Virtual_Machine_Interpreter
Module lexical_analyzer (a$){ lim=Len(a$) LineNo=1 ColumnNo=1 Document Output$ Buffer Scanner as Integer*lim Return Scanner, 0:=a$ offset=0 buffer1$="" flag_rem=true Ahead=lambda Scanner (a$, offset)->{ =false Try { \\ second parameter is the offset in buffer units \\ third parameter is length in bytes =Eval$(Scanner, offset,2*len(a$))=a$ } } Ahead2=lambda Scanner (a$, offset)->{ =false Try { =Eval$(Scanner, offset,2) ~ a$ } } const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10), quo$="""", er$="@", Ansi=3 Try { Do If Ahead("/*", offset) Then { offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 While not Ahead("*/", offset) If Ahead(nl$, offset) Then lineNo++: ColumnNo=1 : offset+=2 Else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End If if offset>lim then Error "End-of-file in comment. Closing comment characters not found"+er$ End if End While offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 } Else.if Ahead(nl$, offset) Then{ LineNo++: ColumnNo=1 offset+=2 } Else.if Ahead(quo$, offset) Then { Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ strin=offset While not Ahead(quo$, offset) If Ahead("/", offset) Then offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End if checkerror() End While Output$="String "+quote$(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2))+nl$ offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Else.if Ahead("'", offset) Then { Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ strin=offset While not Ahead("'", offset) If Ahead("/", offset) Then offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End if checkerror() End While lit$=format$(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)) select case len(lit$) case 1 Output$="Integer "+str$(asc(lit$),0)+nl$ case >1 {Error "Multi-character constant."+er$} case 0 {Error "Empty character constant."+er$} end select offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Else.if Ahead2("[a-z]", offset) Then { strin=offset Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ While Ahead2("[a-zA-Z0-9_]", offset) offset++ : ColumnNo++ End While Keywords(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)) } Else.if Ahead2("[0-9]", offset) Then { strin=offset Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} Integer ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ While Ahead2("[0-9]", offset) offset++ : ColumnNo++ End While if Ahead2("[a-zA-Z_]", offset) then {Error " Invalid number. Starts like a number, but ends in non-numeric characters."+er$} else Output$=Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)+nl$ end if } Else { Symbols(Eval$(Scanner, Offset, 2)) offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Until offset>=lim } er1$=leftpart$(error$,er$) if er1$<>"" then Print Report "Error:"+er1$ Output$="(Error)"+nl$+"Error:"+er1$ else Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10}", LineNo, ColumnNo)+" End_of_Input"+nl$ end if Push Output$ Exit Clipboard Output$ Save.Doc Output$, "lex.t", Ansi document lex$ Load.Doc lex$,"lex.t", Ansi Report lex$ Sub Keywords(a$) select case a$ case "if" a$="Keyword_if" case "else" a$="Keyword_else" case "while" a$="Keyword_while" case "print" a$="Keyword_print" case "putc" a$="Keyword_putc" else case a$="Identifier "+a$ end select Output$=a$+nl$ End sub Sub Symbols(a$) select case a$ case " ", chr$(9) a$="" case "(" a$="LeftParen" case ")" a$="RightParen" case "{" a$="LeftBrace" case "}" a$="RightBrace" case ";" a$="Semicolon" case "," a$="Comma" case "*" a$="Op_multiply" case "/" a$="Op_divide" case "+" a$="Op_add" case "-" a$="Op_subtract" case "%" a$="Op_mod" case "<" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ a$="Op_lessequal" ColumnNo++ else a$="Op_less" end if } case ">" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_greaterequal" else a$="Op_greater" end if } case "=" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_equal" else a$="Op_assign" end if } case "!" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_notequal" else a$="Op_not" end if } case "&" { if Ahead("&", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_and" else a$="" end if } case "|" { if Ahead("|", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_or" else a$="" end if } else case {Error "Unrecognized character."+er$} end select if a$<>"" then Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo)+a$+nl$ end if End Sub Sub checkerror() if offset>lim then { Error "End-of-line while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found before end-of-line."+er$ } else.if Ahead(nl$,offset) then { Error "End-of-file while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found."+er$ } End Sub } Module syntax_analyzer (b$){ enum tokens { Op_add, Op_subtract, Op_not=5, Op_multiply=10, Op_divide, Op_mod, Op_negate, Op_less, Op_lessequal, Op_greater, Op_greaterequal, Op_equal, Op_notequal, Op_and, Op_or, Op_assign=100, Keyword_if=110, Keyword_else, Keyword_while, Keyword_print, Keyword_putc, LeftParen, RightParen, LeftBrace, RightBrace, Semicolon, Comma, Identifier, Integer, String, End_of_input } Inventory precedence=Op_multiply:=13, Op_divide:=13, Op_mod:=13, Op_add:=12, Op_subtract:=12 Append precedence, Op_negate:=14, Op_not:=14, Op_less:=10, Op_lessequal:=10, Op_greater:=10 Append precedence, Op_greaterequal:=10, Op_equal:=9, Op_notequal:=9, Op_assign:=-1, Op_and:=5 Append precedence, Op_or:=4 Inventory symbols=Op_multiply:="Multiply", Op_divide:="Divide", Op_mod:="Mod", Op_add:="Add" Append symbols, Op_negate:="Negate", Op_not:="Not", Op_less:="Less", Op_subtract:="Subtract" Append symbols, Op_lessequal:="LessEqual", Op_greater:="Greater", Op_greaterequal:="GreaterEqual" Append symbols, Op_equal:="Equal", Op_notequal:="NotEqual", Op_and:="And", Op_or:="Or" def lineNo, ColumnNo, m, line$, a, lim, cur=-1 const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10), Ansi=3 Dim lex$() lex$()=piece$(b$,chr$(13)+chr$(10)) lim=dimension(lex$(),1)-1 op=End_of_input flush k=0 Try { push (,) ' Null getone(&op) repeat stmt(&op) shift 2 ' swap two top items push ("Sequence", array, array) k++ until op=End_of_Input } er$=error$ if er$<>"" then print er$ : flush: break Print "Ast" Document Output$ prt_ast() Push Output$ exit clipboard Output$ Save.Doc Output$, "parse.t", Ansi document parse$ Load.Doc parse$,"parse.t", Ansi Report parse$ sub prt_ast(t) if len(t)<1 then Output$=";"+nl$ else.if len(t)=3 then Output$=t#val$(0) +nl$ prt_ast(t#val(1)) : prt_ast(t#val(2)) else Output$=t#val$(0) +nl$ end if end sub sub expr(p) ' only a number local x=(,), prev=op if op>=Identifier then x=(line$,) getone(&op) else.if op=LeftParen then paren_exp() x=array else.if op<10 then getone(&op) expr(precedence(int(Op_negate))) read local y if prev=Op_add then x=y else if prev=Op_subtract then prev=Op_negate x=(symbols(prev), y,(,)) End if else {error "??? "+eval$(op)} end if local prec while exist(precedence, int(op)) prev=op : prec=eval(precedence) if prec<14 and prec>=p else exit getone(&op) expr(prec+1) ' all operators are left associative (use prec for right a.) x=(symbols(int(prev)), x, array) End While Push x end sub sub paren_exp() expected(LeftParen) getone(&op) expr(0) expected(RightParen) getone(&op) end sub sub stmt(&op) local t=(,) if op=Identifier then t=(line$) getone(&op) expected(Op_assign) getone(&op) expr(0) read local rightnode Push ("Assign",t,rightnode) expected(Semicolon) getone(&op) else.if op=Semicolon then getone(&op) Push (";",) else.if op=Keyword_print then getone(&op) expected(LeftParen) repeat getone(&op) if op=String then Push ("Prts",(line$,),(,)) getone(&op) else expr(0) Push ("Prti", array,(,)) end if t=("Sequence", t, array) until op<>Comma expected(RightParen) getone(&op) expected(Semicolon) getone(&op) push t else.if op=Keyword_while then getone(&op) paren_exp() stmt(&op) shift 2 Push ("While",array, array) else.if op=Keyword_if then getone(&op) paren_exp() stmt(&op) local s2=(,) if op=Keyword_else then getone(&op) stmt(&op) read s2 end if shift 2 Push ("If",array ,("If",array,s2)) else.if op=Keyword_putc then getone(&op) paren_exp() Push ("Prtc",array,t) expected(Semicolon) getone(&op) else.if op=LeftBrace then Brace() else error "Unkown Op" end if end sub Sub Brace() getone(&op) while op<>RightBrace and op<>End_of_input stmt(&op) t=("Sequence", t, array) end while expected(RightBrace) getone(&op) push t End Sub Sub expected(what) if not op=what then {Error "Expected "+eval$(what)+str$(LineNo)+","+Str$(ColumnNo)} End Sub sub getone(&op) op=End_of_input while cur<lim cur++ line$=trim$(lex$(cur)) if line$<>"" then exit end while if cur=lim then exit sub LineNo=Val(line$,"int",m) line$=mid$(line$, m) ColumnNo=Val(line$,"int",m) line$=trim$(mid$(line$, m)) Rem : Print LineNo, ColumnNo m=instr(line$," ") if m>0 then op=Eval("."+leftpart$(line$, " ")) else op=Eval("."+line$) end sub } Module Virtual_Machine_Interpreter (a$){ \\ function to extract string, replacing escape codes. Function GetString$(a$) { s=instr(a$, chr$(34)) m=rinstr(a$,chr$(34))-s if m>1 then \\ process escape codes =format$(mid$(a$, s+1, m-1)) else ="" end if } \\ module to print a string to console using codes, 13, 10, 9 Module printsrv (a$) { for i=1 to len(a$) select case chrcode(Mid$(a$,i,1)) case 13 cursor 0 case 10 cursor 0 : Print case 9 cursor ((pos+tab) div tab)*tab else case { m=pos :if pos>=width then Print : m=pos Print Mid$(a$,i,1); if m<=width then cursor m+1 } end select next i } const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10) \\ we can set starting value to any numbern where 0<=n<=232 enum op { halt_=232, add_, sub_, mul_, div_, mod_, not_, neg_, and_, or_, lt_, gt_, le_, ge_, ne_, eq_, prts_, prti_, prtc_, store_, fetch_, push_, jmp_, jz_ } Rem : Form 120, 60 ' change console width X height to run Ascii Mandlebrot examlpe Report "Virtual Assembly Code:"+{ }+a$ Print "Prepare Byte Code" \\ get datasize a$=rightpart$(a$, "Datasize:") m=0 data_size=val(a$, "int", m) a$=mid$(a$, m) \\ make stack if data_size>0 then Buffer Clear stack_ as long*data_size \\ dim or redim buffer append 1000 long as is. Buffer stack_ as long*(1000+data_size) \\ get strings a$=rightpart$(a$, "Strings:") m=0 strings=val(a$, "int", m) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$) if strings>0 then Dim strings$(strings) for i=0 to strings-1 strings$(i)=GetString$(leftpart$(a$, nl$)) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$) Next i End if buffer clear code_ as byte*1000 do m=0 offset=val(a$,"int", m) if m<0 then exit a$=mid$(a$,m) line$=trim$(leftpart$(a$,nl$)) if line$="" then line$=trim$(a$) else a$=trim$(rightpart$(a$, nl$)) op$=if$(instr(line$," ")>0->leftpart$(line$," "), line$) if not valid(eval(op$+"_")) then exit opc=eval(op$+"_") Return code_, offset:=opc if opc>=store_ then line$=rightpart$(line$," ") select case opc case store_, fetch_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(leftpart$(line$,"]"),"[")) as long : offset+=4 case push_ Return code_, offset+1:=uint(val(line$)) as long : offset+=4 case jz_, jmp_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(line$,")")) as long : offset+=4 end select end if Always Print "Press any key" : Push key$ : Drop \\ Prepare VM let pc=0, sp=len(stack_) div 4 do { func=eval(code_, pc) pc++ select case func case halt_ exit case push_ sp--:return stack_, sp:=eval(code_, pc as long):pc+=4 case jz_ sp++: if eval(stack_, sp-1)=0 then pc=eval(code_, pc as long) else pc+=4 case jmp_ pc=eval(code_, pc as long) case fetch_ sp--:Return stack_, sp:=eval(stack_, eval(code_, pc as long)):pc+=4 case store_ Return stack_, eval(code_, pc as long):=eval(stack_, sp):sp++:pc+=4 case add_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))+sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case sub_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))-sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case mul_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))*sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case div_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) div sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case mod_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) mod sint(eval(stack_, sp))) :sp++ case not_ Return stack_, sp:=if(eval(stack_, sp)=0->uint(-1),0) case neg_ \\ we can use neg(sint(value))+1 or uint(-sint(value)) Return stack_, sp:=uint(-sint(eval(stack_, sp))) case and_ Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.and(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ case or_ Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.or(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ case lt_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case gt_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case le_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case ge_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case ne_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)<>eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++ case eq_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)=eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++ case prts_ printsrv strings$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++ case prti_ printsrv str$(sint(eval(stack_,sp)),0):sp++ case prtc_ printsrv chrcode$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++ else case Error "Unkown op "+str$(func) end select } always Print "done" } Module CodeGenerator (s$){ Function code$(op$) { =format$("{0::-6} {1}", pc, op$) pc++ } Function code2$(op$, n$) { =format$("{0::-6} {1} {2}", pc, op$, n$) pc+=5 } Function code3$(op$,pc, st, ed) { =format$("{0::-6} {1} ({2}) {3}", pc, op$, ed-st-1, ed) } Enum tok { gneg, gnot, gmul, gdiv, gmod, gadd, gle, gsub, glt gle, ggt, gge, geq, gne, gand, gor, gprtc, gprti, gprts, gif, gwhile, gAssign, gSeq, gstring, gidentifier, gint, gnone } \\ Inventories are lists with keys, or keys/data (key must be unique) \\ there is one type more the Invetory Queue which get same keys. \\ But here not used. Inventory symb="Multiply":=gmul, "Divide":=gdiv, "Mod":=gmod, "Add":=gadd Append symb, "Negate":=gneg, "Not":=gnot,"Less":=glt,"Subtract":=gsub Append symb, "LessEqual":=gle, "Greater":=ggt, "GreaterEqual":=gge, "Sequence":=gSeq Append symb, "Equal":=geq, "NotEqual":=gne, "And":=gand, "Or":=gor, "While":=gwhile Append symb, "Prtc":=gprtc,"Prti":=gprti,"Prts":=gprts, "Assign":=gAssign, "If":=gif Append symb, "String":=gstring, "Identifier":=gidentifier, "Integer":=gint, ";", gnone Inventory DataSet \\ We set string as key. key maybe an empty string, a string or a number. \\ so we want eash string to saved one time only. Inventory Strings Const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10), Ansi=3 Def z$, lim, line$, newvar_ok, i=0 Document message$=nl$ Global pc \\ functions have own scope, so we make it global, for this module, and childs. Dim lines$() s$=filter$(s$,chr$(9)) \\ exclude tabs Lines$()=piece$(s$,nl$) \\ break to lines lim=len(Lines$()) Flush ' empty stack (there is a current stack of values which we use here) Load_Ast() If not stack.size=1 Then Flush : Error "Ast not loaded" AST=array \\ pop the array from stack Document Assembly$, Header$ \\ all lines of assembly goes to stack. Maybe not in right order. \\ Push statement push to top, Data statement push to bottom of stack CodeGenerator(Ast) Data code$("halt") ' append to end of stack \\ So now we get all data (letters) from stack While not empty Assembly$=letter$+nl$ end while \\ So now we have to place them in order Sort Assembly$ \\ Let's make the header Header$=format$("Datasize: {0} Strings: {1}", Len(Dataset),Len(strings)) \\ we use an iterator object, str^ is the counter, readonly, but Eval$() use it from object. str=each(strings) While str Header$=nl$+Eval$(str) End while Assembly$=nl$ \\ insert to line 1 the Header Insert 1 Assembly$=Header$ \\ Also we check for warnings If len(message$)>2 then Assembly$="Warnings: "+nl$+message$ \\ So now we get a report \\ (at each 3/4 of window's lines, the printing stop and wait for user response, any key) Push Assembly$ Exit Report Assembly$ Clipboard Assembly$ Save.Doc Assembly$, "code.t", Ansi End \\ subs have 10000 limit for recursion but can be extended to 1000000 or more. Sub CodeGenerator(t) If len(t)=3 then select case t#val(0) Case gSeq CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) : CodeGenerator(t#val(2)) Case gwhile { local spc=pc CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) local pc1=pc pc+=5 ' room for jz CodeGenerator(t#val(2)) data code3$("jz",pc1, pc1, pc+5) data code3$("jmp",pc, pc, spc) pc+=5 ' room for jmp } Case gif { CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) local pc1=pc, pc2 pc+=5 CodeGenerator(t#val(2)#val(1)) If len(t#val(2)#val(2))>0 then pc2=pc pc+=5 data code3$("jz",pc1, pc1, pc) CodeGenerator(t#val(2)#val(2)) data code3$("jmp",pc2, pc2, pc) else data code3$("jz",pc1, pc1, pc) end If } Case gAssign { CodeGenerator(t#val(2)) local newvar_ok=true CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) } case gneg to gnot, gprtc to gprts CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) : data code$(mid$(eval$(t#val(0)),2)) case gmul to gor { CodeGenerator(t#val(1)) CodeGenerator(t#val(2)) data code$(mid$(eval$(t#val(0)),2)) } End select Else.if len(t)=2 then select case t#val(0) Case gString { local spos If exist(strings,t#val$(1)) then spos=eval(strings!) else append strings, t#val$(1) spos=len(strings)-1 end If Push code2$("push",str$(spos,0)) } Case gInt Push code2$("push",t#val$(1), pc) Case gIdentifier { local ipos If exist(dataset,t#val$(1)) then ipos=Eval(dataset!) ' return position else.if newvar_ok then Append dataset, t#val$(1) ipos=len(dataset)-1 else message$="Variable "+t#val$(1)+" not initialized"+nl$ end If If newvar_ok then Push code2$("store","["+str$(ipos, 0)+"]") else Push code2$("fetch","["+str$(ipos, 0)+"]") end If } end select End If End Sub Sub Load_Ast() If i>=lim then Push (,) : exit sub do line$=Trim$(lines$(i)) I++ tok$=piece$(line$," ")(0) until line$<>"" or i>=lim If tok$="Identifier" then Push (gidentifier,trim$(Mid$(line$,11))) else.if tok$="Integer" then long n=Val(Mid$(line$,8)) ' check overflow Push (gint, Trim$(Mid$(line$,8))) else.if tok$="String" then Push (gstring,Trim$(Mid$(line$,7))) else.if tok$=";" then Push (,) Else local otok=symb(tok$) Load_Ast() Load_Ast() Shift 2 Push (otok,array, array) End If End Sub } Push { { /* This is an integer ascii Mandelbrot generator */ left_edge= -420; right_edge=300; top_edge=300; bottom_edge = -300; x_step=7; y_step=15; max_iter=200; y0 = top_edge; while (y0 > bottom_edge) { x0 = left_edge; while (x0 < right_edge) { y = 0; x = 0; the_char = ' '; i = 0; while (i < max_iter) { x_x = (x * x) / 200; y_y = (y * y) / 200; if (x_x + y_y > 800 ) { the_char = '0' + i; if (i > 9) { the_char = '@'; } i = max_iter; } y = x * y / 100 + y0; x = x_x - y_y + x0; i = i + 1; } putc(the_char); x0 = x0 + x_step; } putc('\n'); y0 = y0 - y_step; } } } Form 120, 60 lexical_analyzer syntax_analyzer CodeGenerator Virtual_Machine_Interpreter
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