Δευτέρα 18 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Revision 27 Version 10


1. A Fix for search string on files using statement:

 file "gsb", "thatstring|otherstring"

2. Fix Uint() function to work with Integers (16bit -1%, 32bit -1&).

I=-15065%: Print Uint(I), Uint(I*1&) ' 50471   4294952231

3. chrcode() now return Integer (16bit) or Currency.

Print chrcode("성") ' -16079
Print chrcode$(-16079) ' 성
Print uint(i), uint(-16079%) ' 49457 49457
Print chrcode$(49457) ' 성
' surrogate 𐐷 (4 bytes in UTF-16)
Print type$(C), c ' Currency 66615
Print chrcode$(66615) ' 𐐷

4. Updated clsOsInfo class (Information object from m2000) to v1.13, by Dragokas, member of vbforums.com, https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?846709-OS-Version-information-class&p=5540187#post5540187

New for clsOsInfo 1.13:

Added detection of:

 - Windows 11

 - Windows Server 2019

 - Windows Server 2022

New properties added:

 - IsWin32

 - DisplayVersion 'e.g. 21H1

 - IsWindowsXP_SP3OrGreater

 - UserName

 - ComputerName

 - IsAdminGroup

 - IsSystemCaseSensitive

 - IsEmbedded

 - LCID_UserDefault

 - IsWow64 -> made public.

Example (also there are some readonly variables which alread use the clsOsInfo class)

Module TestOsInfo {
      declare osinfo information
      with osinfo, "IsWin32" as Win32
      method osInfo, "IsWow64" as Wow64
      print "IsWin32:";Win32
      print "IsWow64:";Wow64, " OsBit", osbit
      with osinfo, "DisplayVersion" as dv$
      print "DisplayVersion:";dv$
      with osinfo, "ComputerName" as cn$
      print "ComputerName:";cn$
      print "M2000 read only variable Computer$:";Computer$
      declare osinfo nothing

5. Update info.gsb
New program DownLoadAny:
Download using URLDownloadToFile from lib urlmon

Print "Download M2000paper.pdf"
if internet then
    If exist("M2000paper.pdf") then Try {dos "del "+quote$(dir$+"M2000paper.pdf");} : Wait 200
    Declare URLDownloadToFile lib "urlmon.URLDownloadToFileW" {long pCaller, szUrl$, sxFilename$, long dwReserved, long callback}
    dir user
    if URLDownloadToFile(0,FileFromDrive$+"1pHBjLVeaGkyMhyyfvXyvh42cJ3njY7wa", dir$+"M2000paper.pdf",BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION,0)==0 then
        Print "Ok"
        Print "Try Again"
    end if
    Print "Not Internet, Try Again"
end if

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