Δευτέρα 13 Νοεμβρίου 2017

A framework for using M2000 console for data entry

This is a big examlpe.We want an object to handle input. We can define menus, buttons, drop down lists, numeric (integer/double), text in one line, text using editor for multiple lines.
We can export data in two ways. Using serialize$ as a string only with data, or using json$ for headers and data. We can use both function to restore data. Using json$ we can input some data, using header and value. There is away to render outpout from object in parts, and using offset on paper (here we have a demo in screen), changing background/foreground colors.

We can define functions to validate data (embeded using lambda functions), and we can use callback functions for adding logic
In the example we use two objects, one for menu, and one for data. E1, E2, FIN are events objects, and we place in fields, by copy (these are the CallBacks)
In field "Name" we want no spaces in then name and  4 chars at least. So we place a lambda function, as generated by ValidateValue() function.
Objects InpValue and InpValue2, draw data and record all commands. So in the last place we have the loop. We can use mouse inside input fields, but we have to move to fields using keyboard. F10 (Field number 121) move quick to menu. Field  is console variable for returning the last key from exit from an input field.

For InpValue {
      .PrintButton "File","File [F10]",,,8,1,,E2
      .UseLastAsList ("Menu1","Menu2","Menu3","Exit")
      .PrintButtonNext "Edit","Edit",,6,8,1,,E2
      .UseLastAsList ("Help","Update","--------","About")
For InpValue2 {
      .PrintLabel "Element",,15,1
      .PrintLabel "Type", 4
      .PrintUp "Combo", 10, 14
      .UseLastAsList ("ListBox","Combo", "TextBox", "EditBox"), E1
      .PrintLabel "Name", 4
      .PrintUp "Combo1", 10, 14,,ValidateValue(-3, "A")
      .PrintLabel "Text Field",4
      Document AA$={aaaaaaaaaaaaa
      .PrintText 3, 30, AA$, 10,14
      Cursor 0, Row+4
      .PrintLabel "Attributes",,15,1
      .PrintLabel "Title", 4
      .PrintUp "Form1", 10, 14
      .PrintLabel "Top", 4
      .PrintUpInteger 0, 10, 14
      .PrintNext "Left",24
      .PrintUpInteger 0, 30, 14
      .PrintLabel "Width",4
      .PrintUpInteger 4000, 10, 14, ,ValidateValue(3000, 12000)
      .PrintNext "Height",4+20
      .PrintUpInteger 6000, 10+20, 14
      .PrintLabel "Double",4
      .PrintUp pi, 10, 14
      .PrintNext "Double1",24
      .PrintUp 2*pi, 30, 14
      .PrintNext "Double2",44
      .PrintUp 4*pi, 50, 14
      .PrintButton "Exit","For Exit Come Here", 8, 10, 15, 1,,FIN
       Print "Press Esc Key"
     Cls, Row
   \\    .RenderView
do {
      do {
      } until Field<>121
      IF exitthis Then Exit
      InpValue2.ScanRange 1, maxInputitem, maxInputitem-1, True
} until exitthis Or Field=1000

Form 60,44 Escape Off Flush Flush Garbage mybg=5 Cls mybg,0 : Pen 11 Bold 1 Report "Console Input Parameters Easy" Bold 0 Cursor 0,0 : Print Under Cls , 1 \\  ValidateValue(number, letter$) \\  return a lambda function with closures And signature lambda(letter$), returning boolean \\  ValidateValue( number, number) \\  return a lambda function with closures And signature lambda(number), returning boolean
Function ValidateValue {       IF match("NN") Then {             Read X1, Y1             =lambda X1, Y1 (n) ->{                   =X1<=n And n<=Y1 ' Or n<Y1             }       } Else {             Read what, x1$             =lambda x1$, what (n$) ->{                   IF what=0 Then {                         =n$ ~ x1$                   } Else.If what>0 Then {                          =n$ >= x1$ And len(n$)>what                   } Else = n$ >= x1$ And len(n$)>-what And n$=filter$(n$, " ")             }             } } \\ InpValueClass make a group \\ We can display labels, values, recording positions \\ Using ScanRange we can use arrows To move from a range of input values, in Loop \\ using Esc we get out from Loop \\ we can give two more parameters \\ the "Exit" value  And a flag, IF True Then Exit IF value changed \\  mygroup=InpValueClass(#FF5522)  '' need a color for background \\ \\  .Record=True  needed for recording \\  .PrintLabel \\  .PrintNext \\  .PrintUp \\  .UseLastAsList \\ when we record we make ranges of input/print values And we can use \\ .RenderView To print labels/values \\ .ScanRange \\ Class InpValueClass { Private:       NoKey, LastKey$, UseInteger, drawbg, overridecolors, mybg, overfr, overbg       Inventory Bag, EditItems Public:       Record=True, item       Property mywidth {             Value,             Set {                   IF value>width Then value=width                   IF value<3 Then value=3             }        } = 10       Property myheight {             Value,             Set {                   IF value>height-1 Then value=height-1                   IF value<1 Then value=1             }       }=1       Group MaxInputItem {             Value {                   Link Parent EditItems To Ed                   =Len(Ed)             }       }       Group MaxItem {             Value {                   Link Parent Bag To Bag                   =Len(Bag)             }       }       Group ItemValue {             Value (akey$) {                   Link Parent Bag To Bag                   =Bag(akey$+".value")             }             Set (akey$) {                   Read mGroup                   Link Parent Bag To Bag                   IF exist(Bag, akey$+".value") Then {                         Return Bag, akey$+".value":=mGroup                   }             }       }       Class Info {             iskey, isbutton, menuitem, isnumeric             Event CallBack { Read &What }             ValidValue=Lambda->True             myvalue$             stackA=stack             X, Y, mycolor, boldface             W=10, H=1             \\ only for button             mybg       Class:             Module Info {                   Read .isnumeric, .iskey, .MyValue$                   Read .X, .Y, .W, .H, .mycolor, .boldface, .ValidValue             }       }        Module PrintNext {             Cursor 0, Row-1             .PrintLabel       }       Module PrintLabel {             ticket=False             IF IsNum Then {                   ticket=1-.UseInteger                   Read N                   IF ticket=2 Then { what$=Trim$(Str$(N,"0")) } Else what$=Trim$(Str$(N))             } Else Read what$             Let colour=pen, spaces=0, boldface=0             Read ? spaces, colour, boldface             bold Abs(boldface<>0)             Pen colour {                   Print @(spaces),                   IF .Record Then RecordMe()                   IF ticket Then what$=Format$("{0}",N)                   IF .drawbg Then .drawbg<=False : Print @(Pos,Row,Pos+.mywidth, Row+.myheight, .mybg);                   IF .myheight>1 Then {                         Legend ! what$, .mywidth, .myheight                   } Else {                         Legend ! what$, .mywidth, 1                   }                   Print             }             bold 0             Sub RecordMe()                   Local mylambda=lambda->True                   IF Not empty Then Read myLambda                   IF Not .NoKey Then {                         Append .Bag, what$:=.Info(False, true, what$, Pos, Row, .mywidth, .myheight, colour, Abs(boldface<>0), mylambda)                         .lastkey$<=what$+".value"                         \\ using = And Not  <= we get Error in next call                         \\ becaue = make a Local variable, but .lastkey$ is a group variable.                   } Else {                         Try ok {                               Append .EditItems, len(.Bag)                              Append .Bag, .lastkey$:=.Info(ticket, False, what$, Pos, Row, .mywidth, .myheight, colour, Abs(boldface<>0), mylambda)                          }                          \\ using of Flush Error To clean Error message first                          IF Error Or Not ok Then Flush Error : Error "You can't record two values in same key"                   }             End Sub       }       Module PrintButtonNext {             Cursor 0, Row-1             .PrintButton       }       Module PrintButton {             Read .LastKey$, caption$             Oldmybg=.mybg             Read ? .mybg             Push caption$             .LastKey$<=.LastKey$+".value"             .NoKey~             .drawbg~             .PrintLabel             .NoKey~             \\ Bag(key) Or Bag(num!) num from 0 To len(Bag)-1             Read ? event_copy             there=Len(.Bag)-1                          For .Bag(there!), this {                  .isbutton<=True                  .callback<=event_copy                  .mybg<=..mybg             }             swap Oldmybg, .mybg       }       Module PrintText (Lines, TextWidth) {             Cursor 0, Row-1             .NoKey~             Let oldw=.mywidth, oldH=.myHeight              .mywidth<=TextWidth              .myheight<=Lines             .PrintLabel             swap .mywidth, oldw             swap .myHeight, oldH             .NoKey~       }       Module UseLastAsList (ArrayA) {             Read ? event_copy             IF Instr(.lastkey$,".value") Else Exit             For .Bag(.Lastkey$) {                   Stack New {                         Data !ArrayA                         .CallBack<=event_copy                         \\ this [] pass current stack To .StackA, and leave a new empty stack                         \\ [] is "[" and "]" (these chars can be used in variables names too)                         .StackA<=[]                   }             }       }       Module InpList {             a=Each(.EditItems)             While a {                   \\ ! use position (form 0) And no key To walk in .bag()                   for .bag(eval(a)!) {                         Print .MyValue$, Len(.stackA)>0, .isbutton, .iskey                   }             }       }       Group Json$ {             Value (x) {                  ' quote$(string$(MyValue$ as json))                  bag$=""                  nl$={                  }                  if x<=0 then nl$="" : x=0                   space$=string$(" ",x)                   Link Parent bag To bag                   a=Each(bag)                   While a {                         M= bag(a^!)                         For M {                               IF Not .iskey and Not .isbutton Then {                               if bag$<>"" then bag$=bag$+", "+nl$                                     bag$=bag$+space$+quote$(Replace$(".value","",Eval$(bag, a^-1)))+" : "+quote$(string$(.MyValue$ as json))                                }                         }                   }                   ="{"+nl$+bag$+nl$+"}"             }             Set {                   Read bag$                   c$=""""   \\ this is one char 34                   nl$={                   }                   end$=""                   Link Parent bag To bag                   safety=len(bag$)                    Stack New {                    if left$(trim$(bag$),1)="{" then {                          bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$,"{"))                          end$="]"                    } else.if left$(trim$(bag$),1)="[" then {                         bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$,"{"))                         end$="}"                    }                         do {                               While Left$(bag$,2)=nl$ {bag$=Trim$(Mid$(bag$, 3))}                               bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$, c$))                               mkey$=LeftPart$(bag$, c$)+".value"                               bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$, c$))                               if mkey$="" then exit                               While Left$(bag$,2)=nl$ {bag$=Trim$(Mid$(bag$, 3))}                               bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$,":"))                               While Left$(bag$,2)=nl$ {bag$=Trim$(Mid$(bag$, 3))}                               bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$, c$))                               mval$=LeftPart$(bag$, c$)                               bag$=Trim$(RightPart$(bag$, c$))                               Group M                               if exist(bag, mkey$) Then {                                     M=eval(bag)                                     M.myvalue$<=format$(mval$)                                     Return bag, mkey$:=M                               }                               If left$(bag$, 1)="," then bag$=Trim$(Mid$(bag$, 2)) : Restart                               if end$<>"" then if left$(bag$,1)=end$ then exit                               if safety=len(bag$) then Error "Json parse problem"                               safety=len(bag$)                         } Until bag$=""                                            }             }       }       Group Serialize$ {             value {                   bag$=""                   Link Parent bag To bag                   a=Each(bag)                   While a {                         M= bag(a^!)                         For M {                               IF Not .iskey and Not .isbutton Then {                                     IF .isnumeric Then {                                      bag$=bag$+" "+.MyValue$                                     } else bag$=bag$+stack$(.MyValue$)                                }                         }                   }                   =bag$             }             Set {                   Read bag$                   Stack New {                         Stack bag$ \\ fill stack with special format string for stack                         Link Parent bag To bag                         a=Each(bag)                         Try ok {                               While a {                                     M= bag(a^!)                                     For M {                                           IF Not .iskey And Not .isbutton Then {                                                 IF .isnumeric=1 Then {                                                       Read N                                                       .MyValue$=Trim$(Str$(N))                                                 } Else.If .isnumeric=2 Then {                                                       Read N%                                                       .MyValue$=Trim$(Str$(N%))                                                 } Else Read .MyValue$                                            }                                     }                               }                         }                         If Error Or Not ok Then Flush Error : Error "Serialize Input Not Compatible"                   }             }       }       Module PrintUp {             Cursor 0, Row-1             .NoKey~             .PrintLabel             .NoKey~       }       Module PrintUpInteger {             Read N             Push Val(Str$(N,"0"))             Cursor 0, Row-1             .NoKey~             .UseInteger~             .PrintLabel             .UseInteger~             .NoKey~       }       Module RenderThis {             Read M             Read ? offsetX, offsetY             IF .overridecolors Then {                   mybg= .overbg             } else {                   mybg=.mybg             }             local inuse, final$             For M {                         IF this.overridecolors and .isbutton Then exit                         offsetX+=.X                         offsetY+=.Y                         Cursor offsetX, offsetY                         IF .isbutton Then mybg=.mybg \\ from M.mybg                         Print @(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX+.W, offsetY+.H, mybg);                         IF this.overridecolors Then {inuse=this.overfr} else inuse=.mycolor                         Pen inuse {                               Bold .boldface                               if .isnumeric then {                                    final$=format$( "{0}", Val(.MyValue$) )                               } else final$=.MyValue$                               IF .H>1 Then {                                     Legend ! final$, .W, .H                               } Else Legend ! final$, .W, 1                               Bold 0                         }                   }       }       Module RenderView {             local fromA=1, toB=-1, offsetX, offsetY             Read ? FromA, toB, offsetX, offsetY, .overridecolors             IF .overridecolors Then Read .overfr, .overbg             N=Each(.Bag, FromA, toB)             While N {                   .RenderThis .Bag(N^!),offsetX, offsetY             }             Print             .overridecolors<=false       }       Module ScanRange {             Local FromA=1, ToB=.maxitem, vert, curx, cury, mKey$             IF ToB=0 Then Exit             Read ? FromA, ToB             Read ? ExitC, forever             Local changed             .item<=FromA             Field New 1 ' reset To 1 the Field internal variable.             mybg=.mybg             {                   GetAValue(.item, &changed)                   IF changed Then vert=False                   IF Field=99 Or Field=121 Then .item<=0 : Exit                   IF Field=1000 Then Exit                   IF .item=ExitC And (changed Or Not forever) Then Field New 1000 : Exit                   IF vert Then {                         vert=False                         IF .item>=ToB And Field=1 Then Exit                         IF .item<=FromA And Field=-1 Then Exit                         IF Field=1 Then {                               a=Each(.EditItems, .item+1, ToB)                         } Else a=Each(.EditItems, .item, FromA)                         last=.item                         Try {                               While a {                                     IF Field=1 Then {                                            for .bag(eval(a)!) {                                                 IF .x>=curx And .y>cury Then last<=a^ :Break                                          }                                     } Else {                                            for .bag(eval(a)!) {                                           IF .x>=curx And .y<cury Then {                                                 field new 0 : last<=a^+1                                                 IF .x>curx else Break                                           }                                           }                                     }                               }                         }                                   .item<=last                   }                   IF Field=1 Then .item++                   IF Field=-1 Then .item--                   IF .item<FromA Then .item<=ToB                   IF .item>ToB Then .item<=FromA                   CONTHERE:                   Loop             }             Sub CheckOk()                   Refresh                   ok=-2                   {                         ok=inkey(100) \\ delay 100ms IF no key pressed (return -1 IF no key pressed in 100ms)                         IF ok=-1 Then Loop ' any block can performe once using loop statement                   }                   Select Case ok                   Case 121 ' F10                         oldfield=121                   Case 262162                         oldfield=99                   Case 38                         { oldfield=-1 : vert=True }                   Case 40 ' two Or more statements need a block after Case                         { oldfield=1 : vert=True}                   Case 39 ' left                         oldfield=1                   Case 37 ' right                         oldfield=-1                   Case 27, -2                         {                               While keypress(27) {} : oldfield=99                         }                   End Select             End Sub             Sub GetAValue(where, &changed)                   Local N,N$, posnow=Pos, rownow=Row, StackB, k$, oldfield=Field, ok                   IF Not Abs(oldfield)=1 Then oldfield=1                   Try ok {                         where=val(eval$(.EditItems, where-1))                   }                   IF Error Or Not ok Then Exit Sub                   Try {                         mKey$=Eval$(.Bag, where)                   }                   IF mKey$="" Then Exit Sub                   IF Instr(mKey$,".value") Else Exit Sub                   temp=.Bag(mKey$)                   For temp {                         Let curx=.x, cury=.y                         IF Len(.stackA)>0 Then {                               Print @(.X,.Y, .X+.W, .Y+.H, 7),                               IF Not .isbutton Then Mark 1,1, 8: Print " ";                               Pen .myColor {                                     Bold .boldface                                     IF .H>1 Then {                                           Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, .H                                     }  Else Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, 1                                     Bold 0                               }                               CheckOk()                               IF ok=13 Or ok=9 Or ok=32 Then {                                     ShowMenu()                               }                         } Else.If .isnumeric Then {                               Print @(.X,.Y, .X+.W, .Y+.H, 7);                                           Pen .mycolor {                                                 Bold .boldface                                                 Legend ! Format$("{0}",val(.MyValue$)), .W, 1                                                 Bold 0                                           }                                           CheckOk()                                           IF ok>=96 And ok<=105 Then ok=ok-48                                           IF ok=13 Or ok=9 Or Chr$(ok) ~ "[0-9]" Then {                                                 N=Val(.MyValue$)                                                 Pen .mycolor {                                                 IF Chr$(ok) ~ "[0-9]" Then {                                                       IF N=0 Then {N=Val(Chr$(ok))} Else N=Val(.MyValue$+Chr$(ok))                                                 }                                                     Print @(.X,.Y,.X+.W, .Y+.H, 7);                                                     IF .isnumeric=2 Then {                                                             N%=N                                                             Input ! N%, .W                                                             N=N%                                                     } Else Input ! N, .W                                                 }                                                 IF .ValidValue(N) Then {                                                       changed=Not .MyValue$=Trim$(Str$(N))                                                       .MyValue$<=Trim$(Str$(N))                                                 }                               }                         }  Else {                                    Print @(.X,.Y,.X+.W, .Y+.H, 7);                               IF .isbutton Then {                                    Pen .mycolor {                                           Bold .boldface                                           IF .H>1 Then {                                                 Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, .H                                           }  Else Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, 1                                           Bold 0                                     }                                     CheckOk()                                     Field New oldfield                                     IF ok=13 Then Call Event .callback, &This, Replace$(".value","", mKey$) : changed=True                                     oldfield=Field                               } Else {                                     N$=.MyValue$                                     Pen .mycolor {                                           Bold .boldface                                           IF .h>1 Then {                                                 Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, .H                                                 CheckOk()                                                 IF ok=13 Or ok=9 Or ok=32 Then Input ! N$, .w, .h,"Editor"                                           } Else {                                                 Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, 1                                                 CheckOk()                                                 IF ok=13 Or ok=9 Or ok=32 Then Print @(.X,.Y,.X+.W, .Y+.H, 7); : Input ! N$, .w                                           }                                           Bold 0                                     }                                     IF .ValidValue(N$) Then {                                           changed=Not .MyValue$=N$                                           .MyValue$<=N$                                     }                               }                         }                         IF .isbutton Then {                         Print @(.X,.Y, .X+.W, .Y+.H, .mybg);                         } Else Print @(.X,.Y, .X+.W, .Y+.H, mybg);                         Pen .mycolor {                               Bold .boldface                               IF .H>1 Then {                                     Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, .H                               }  Else {                                     IF .isnumeric Then {                                       Legend ! Format$("{0}",val(.MyValue$)), .W, 1                                      } Else Legend ! .MyValue$, .W, 1                                 }                               Bold 0                           }                           }                   Field New oldfield                   Cursor posnow, rownow                  Return .Bag, mKey$:=temp             End Sub             Sub ShowMenu()                         oldfield=1                         Print @(.X,.Y+1),                         IF Not .isbutton Then Print @(.X,.Y), :Mark 1,1, 15 : Print " ";                         menu fill 7,7, .mycolor                         menu frame off                         menu  \\ erase menu                         StackB=Each(.stackA)                         While StackB {                               Menu + stackitem$(StackB)                         }                         try ok {                               menu show .MyValue$                         }                        IF Error Or Not ok Then Error flush : Menu ! \\ show menu                        Menu fill 1 \\ reset fill colors                        menu frame \\ reset frame                        IF menu>0 Then {                              IF Not .isbutton Then {                                     changed=Not .MyValue$=menu$(menu)                                     .MyValue$<=menu$(menu)                               } Else .menuitem<=menu                               Field New oldfield                               Call Event .callback, &This, Replace$(".value","", mKey$)                               oldfield=Field                               IF Abs(oldfield)=1 Then oldfield=0                         } Else oldfield=0       End Sub       }       Class:       module InpValueClass (.mybg) {             Read ? .mywidth, .myheight       } }
LocalVar$="New Title - Module scope variable" exitthis=False Function FromEvent {       Read New &What, mykey$       Local K       K=Ask(what.myvalue$, LocalVar$) } Function FromEvent2 {       Read New &What, mkey$       Local K
      IF what.menuitem>0 Then {             IF instr(Menu$(what.menuitem),"---")>0 Then Break             K=Ask(what.myvalue$+" "+Menu$(what.menuitem), "No2")             IF what.menuitem=2 Then {                   M=InpValue2.ItemValue("Exit")                   M.myvalue$="Press me "+Time$(Now)                   InpValue2.ItemValue("Exit")=M                   InpValue2.RenderThis M             }       } Else {              K=Ask(what.myvalue$, "No2")       }       IF mKey$="File" And what.menuitem=4 Then Field New 99 : exitthis=True : Exit       Cls, -14       InpValue2.InpList } Function FromEvent3 {       \\ this is a module's variable '     exitthis=True '      Field New 99       \\ We can use 1000 as default Exit       Field New 1000 } Event E1 { Read &A, B$} E2=E1 ' copy of E1 To E2 FIN=E2 ' copy of E2 To FIN \\ Using  Lazy$(&FromEvent()) And Not FromEvent() we pass code from module \\ when run take the module name space, so all modules variables/modules/functions are visible \\ except subrutines. Event E1 New Lazy$(&FromEvent()) Event E2 New Lazy$(&FromEvent2()) Event FIN New Lazy$(&FromEvent3()) \\ Now we have InpValue=InpValueClass(mybg) InpValue2=InpValueClass(mybg) middlepoint=0 For InpValue {       .mywidth=6       .PrintButton "File","File [F10]",,,8,1,,E2       .UseLastAsList ("Menu1","Menu2","Menu3","Exit")       .PrintButtonNext "Edit","Edit",,6,8,1,,E2       .UseLastAsList ("Help","Update","--------","About")       } For InpValue2 {       .mywidth=10       .PrintLabel "Element",,15,1       .PrintLabel "Type", 4       .PrintUp "Combo", 10, 14       .UseLastAsList ("ListBox","Combo", "TextBox", "EditBox"), E1       .PrintLabel "Name", 4       .PrintUp "Combo1", 10, 14,,ValidateValue(-3, "A")       .PrintLabel "Text Field",4       Document AA$={aaaaaaaaaaaaa                                           bbbbbbbbbbbbb                                           cccccccccc                                           }       .PrintText 3, 30, AA$, 10,14       middlepoint=.maxitem       Cursor 0, Row+4       .PrintLabel "Attributes",,15,1       .PrintLabel "Title", 4       .PrintUp "Form1", 10, 14       .PrintLabel "Top", 4       .PrintUpInteger 0, 10, 14       .PrintNext "Left",24       .PrintUpInteger 0, 30, 14       .PrintLabel "Width",4       .PrintUpInteger 4000, 10, 14, ,ValidateValue(3000, 12000)       .PrintNext "Height",4+20       .PrintUpInteger 6000, 10+20, 14       .PrintLabel "Double",4       .PrintUp pi, 10, 14       .PrintNext "Double1",24       .PrintUp 2*pi, 30, 14       .PrintNext "Double2",44       .PrintUp 4*pi, 50, 14       .PrintButton "Exit","For Exit Come Here", 8, 10, 15, 1,,FIN        Print "Press Esc Key"       THERE:      Cls, Row    \\    .RenderView } \\Exit maxInputitem=InpValue2.maxInputItem do {       do {       InpValue.ScanRange       } until Field<>121       IF exitthis Then Exit       InpValue2.ScanRange 1, maxInputitem, maxInputitem-1, True } until exitthis Or Field=1000
\\ Part 2 Cls 15, 1 Pen 0 Report "Print to Paper <Demo on Screen>" \\ export without buttons, black color on white paper InpValue2.RenderView 1,7, 5, 5, true, 0, 15 \\ -1 is the maxitem in bag Cursor 0,15 Report "We can move a group by offset X and Y" \\ using -1 for end mark \\ 5 chars right, 10 char lines down InpValue2.RenderView 8, -1, 5, 10, true, 0, 15
Print InpValue2.maxitem A$=InpValue2.Serialize$ Print A$ InpValue2.Serialize$=A$ A$=key$ cls mybg,1 Pen 15 Report "RenderView" InpValue2.RenderView Report "Json 2 chars indent" Pen 14 Report InpValue2.Json$(2) A$=InpValue2.Json$(0) Pen 15 {       Report "Json 0 chars indent" } Report A$ Pen 15 {       Report "Len json$ vs Serialize$" } Print Len(A$), Len(InpValue2.Serialize$) '' 216, 123 InpValue2.Json$=A$ Pen 15 {       Report {InpValue2.Json$={"Left" : "1000", "Top" : "500"}} }
InpValue2.Json$={"Left" : "1000", "Top" : "500"} Report InpValue2.Json$(0)

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