Τρίτη 6 Μαρτίου 2018

Revision 51 (Version 9.0)

1) New object Information

Declare AnObject Information
With AnObject,"IsServer" as IsServer, "CodepageOEM" as CodepageOEM$
Print IsServer
Print CodepageOEM$
Declare AnObject Nothing
code dor this object from Dragokas, vbforums.com

2) New object Math (for now only Vectors are useful)
Advanced Programming with M2000
Code for Math object by Elroy, from VbForums.com

Video from an old  example: http://bit.ly/2oOf479
This example has an addition: When we click in user form 3D object blinks.

Title "3D Graphics", 0 ' 0  to hide console
Set FAST !
\\ by api
Structure VecType {
          x As Double
          y As Double
          z As Double
\\ Program
Structure Variables {
      vRot1 As VecType
      vRot2 As VecType
      vRot3 As VecType
      vRot4 As VecType
      vBase As VecType
      vAxis As VecType
Buffer Clear Var as Variables
\\ utility function
VecAdr=Lambda Var (a$) -> {
VecOff=Lambda Var, VecType (a$, b$) -> {
      =Var(0, a$, VecType(b$)!)
Class cLine {
      X1, Y1, X2, Y2, color
      Module Render (z){
            If z>=0 then {
                  Move .X1, .Y1
                  Width 3 {Draw to .X2, .Y2, .color}
                  Circle Fill #aa33cc, z/40+200
            } else {
                  Move .X2, .Y2
                  Circle Fill #aa33cc, z/40+200
                  Width 3 {Draw to .X1, .Y1, .color}
      Module cLine (.color){
            If Match("NNNN") Then Read .X1, .Y1, .X2, .Y2

\\ find address


Form 80,40
Refresh 100
Declare Alfa Form
With Alfa, "Title", "Demo1"
\\ a string to hold static background
Inventory Depth
Thread {
            Method Math, "RotVectMult", 4, vRot1, vAxis, vRot1, dAngle
            Push Eval(Var, vBase.y as double), Eval(Var, vBase.x as double)
            \\ x is in top, y is after x
            Over 2, 2 \\  copy two times from second, so double two top
            Push Eval(Var, vRot4.x as double)+Number : Over 1, 2 \\ copy 2 times top only
            Read Line1.X1, Line2.X1, Line3.X1
            Push Eval(Var, vRot4.y as double)+Number : Over 1, 2
            Read Line1.Y1, Line2.Y1, Line3.Y1
            Over 2, 4 \\ now original 2 values copied 4 times
            Line1.X2 = Eval(Var, vRot1.x as double)+Number
            Line1.Y2 = Eval(Var, vRot1.y as double)+Number
            Line2.X2 = Eval(Var, vRot2.x as double)+Number
            Line2.Y2 = Eval(Var, vRot2.y as double)+Number
            Line3.X2 = Eval(Var, vRot3.x as double)+Number
            Line3.Y2 = Eval(Var, vRot3.y as double)+Number
            Inventory Depth ' clear Depth, then make keys as numbers
            Append Depth, Eval(Var, vRot1.z as double):=1, Eval(Var, vRot2.z as double):=2, Eval(Var, vRot3.z as double):=3
            Sort Depth as number
} As Compute
Group All$ {
      Dim Base 1, A$(3)
      Set (.n) {
            read .A$(.n)
      Value {
Layer Alfa {
      Window 12, 10000, 8000;
      \\Form 40, 20
      Line1=cline(#0000FF, scale.x/2, scale.y/2, scale.x/2, scale.y/2-2220 )
      Line2=cline(#FF0000, scale.x/2, scale.y/2, scale.x/2-2340, scale.y/2-60 )
      Line3=cline(#00FF00, scale.x/2, scale.y/2, scale.x/2-780, scale.y/2-1200 )
      Declare Math Math
      Method Math, "Vector", vBase,scale.x/2-1500, scale.y/2+1500, 1500 '  -1000
      Method Math, "Vector", vRot1, Line1.X2, Line1.Y2, -1000
      Method Math, "Vector", vRot2, Line2.X2, Line2.Y2, -1200
      Method Math, "Vector", vRot3, Line3.X2, Line3.Y2, 1700
      Method Math, "Vector", vRot4, Line1.X1, Line1.Y1, 0
      Method Math,  "VecDiffMult", 4, vRot1, vBase, vRot1
      Inventory Depth=Eval(Var, vRot1.z as double):=1, Eval(Var, vRot2.z as double):=2, Eval(Var, vRot3.z as double):=3
      Sort Depth as number
      Method Math, "Vector", vAxis, -.8, 1.6, .3
      Method Math, "UnitVect", vAxis
      Rad2Deg =Lambda pidivby180=pi/180 (RadAngle)->RadAngle / pidivby180
      dAngle =11
      Pen 0
      Cls 7
      Gradient 11, 13
      Move 0,0
      Cursor 0, Height-1
      Cls 7, Height-1
      Copy scale.x, scale.y to screen$
      Cursor 0,Height
      Thread {
            Refresh 0 ' reset internal counter
            Move 0,0
            Copy 0,0 use screen$
            Part {
            while aline {
                        Call All$, Val(eval$(Depth, aLine^))
            } As disp
            Print Over $(7), Str$(Now , "hh:mm:ss" )
      } As PlayThis
Thread {
            if state then {disp~} else disp=false
} as blink interval 1000/16
Function Alfa.Click {
                  If State then {
                         Thread compute Hold
                  } else {
                        Thread compute Restart
Thread compute interval 50
Thread PlayThis interval 1000/60
Method Alfa, "Show", 1
Threads Erase
Declare Alfa Nothing
Declare Math Nothing

These are the functions of Math object:Methods

Vector *A_Vector, x As Double, y As Double, z As Double
MakeLineFrom2Vec *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *C_LineType
MakeQuaterion  *A_QuatType, w As Double, x As Double, y As Double, z As Double
VecString *A_Vector Return String

UnitVect *A_Vector
NegateQuat *A_Quat, *Result_Quat

DotProduct *A_Vector, *B_Vector Return Result_Double
XProduct *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector
VecMagnitude *A_Vector Return Result_Double
VecDiviNum *A_Vector, Num_double, *Result_Vector
VecAddiNum *A_Vector, Num_double, *Result_Vector
VecDiffNum *A_Vector, Num_double, *Result_Vector
VecMulNum *A_Vector, Num_double, *Result_Vector

VecAver *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector
VecDiff *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector
VecSumm *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector
RotVect *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector, Angle_double, Optional bDegrees_double=True
VectorRad2Deg *A_Vector, *Result_Vector
VectorDeg2Rad *A_Vector, *Result_Vector

UnitVectMult N_Double, *A_Vector
NegateQuatMult N_Double, *A_Quat, *Result_Quat
VecDiviNumMult N_Double, *A_Vector, Num_double_const, *Result_Vector
VecAddiNumMult N_Double, *A_Vector, Num_double_const, *Result_Vector
VecDiffNumMult N_Double, *A_Vector, Num_double_const, *Result_Vector
VecMulNumMult N_Double, *A_Vector, Num_double_const, *Result_Vector

VecAverMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *B_Vector, *Result_Vector
VecSummMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *B_Vector_const, *Result_Vector
VecDiffMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *B_Vector_const, *Result_Vector
RotVectMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *Axis_Vector_const, *Result_Vector, Angle_double, Optional bDegrees_double=True
VectorRad2DegMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *Result_Vector
VectorDeg2RadMult N_Double, *A_Vector, *Result_Vector

Rad2Deg RadAngle_double return double
Deg2Rad DegAngle_double return double
ACos d_radians_double return double
ASin d_radians_double return double
ATan2 y_double, x_double return double

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