Πέμπτη 16 Ιουλίου 2020

Facade Pattern (OOP)

Facade Pattern use classes from libraries and place them as inner objects (groups in M2000), and provide a simplify interface (here a doSomething method). Inside this method we can call some of the inner objects public members.

\\ Facade Pattern
Function Package1 {
      Class Class1 {
            module operationA {
                  Print "Class1 operationA"
      Class Class2 {
            module operationB {
                  Print "Class2 operationB", .x
            module Class2(.x) {
      Class Class3 {
            Group Inner1 {
                  module operationD {
                        Print "Class3 inner1 operationD", .z, .x
            module operationC {
                  \\ we can't read the .inner1.z because .z is private to .Inner1
                  Print "Class3 operationC", .inner1.x, valid(.inner1.z)=false
      Class Facade {
            \\ these are private inner clases
            \\ not pointer to objects.
            Class1 a
            Class2 b(300)
            Class3 c
            module doSomething {
Print M is type Facade

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