Τρίτη 14 Ιουλίου 2020

Interpreter Pattern (OOP)

The example below, pass parsing data to Context type object. Expression object create an AST structure using tuple. We want only data, so we use tuple which can hold other tuple.  We have a function (like a static function)  Evaluate Ast, which call recursive until all AST structure evaluate.

the context has this 3 3 4 + 8 + +  as an expression type of reverse polish notation. The second example evaluate the expression without AST, without using recursion. We use the current stack to push values, or addition of the top two values. Remove the Rem statement (or just press enter after Rem to split line) to see the stack as grow and shrink.

Example 1

Class Context {
      property str{
             Value {
                    Value=Stack(Value) ' get a copy of stack
      Module addterminal (t$) {
            Stack .[str] {Data 1, t$}
      Module addnonterminal (t$) {
            Stack .[str] {Data 2, t$}
Class Expression {
      function plus() {
            =(2, .interpret1(), .interpret1())
      function interpret1() {
            stack .inuse {
                  read t$, what
            if what=1 then
                  =(1, val(t$))
            else.if t$="+" Then
            end if
      function interpret(context as *Context) {
            stack .inuse {
                  Shift 1, -Stack.Size  ' reverse stack items
Function EvaluteAst(a as array) {
      if a#val(0)=1 then
      else.if a#val(0)=2 then
      end if
for context {
      .addterminal "3"
      .addterminal "3"
      .addterminal "4"
      .addnonterminal "+"
      .addterminal "8"
      .addnonterminal "+"
      .addnonterminal "+"
Print EvaluteAst(AST)=18

Example 2
Class Context {
      property str{
             Value {
                    Value=Stack(Value) ' get a copy of stack
      Module addterminal (t$) {
            Stack .[str] {Data 1, t$}
      Module addnonterminal (t$) {
            Stack .[str] {Data 2, t$}
Class Expression {
      function interpret(context as *Context) {
            while len(s)>0
                  stack s {
                        Read what, t$
                  if what=1 then
                        Push val(t$)
                  else.if t$="+" Then
                        Push number+number
                  end if
                  rem stack
            End While
for context {
      .addterminal "3"
      .addterminal "3"
      .addterminal "4"
      .addnonterminal "+"
      .addterminal "8"
      .addnonterminal "+"
      .addnonterminal "+"
Print expression=>interpret(context)=18

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