Δευτέρα 13 Ιουλίου 2020

Pool Pattern (OOP)

This is the Pool Pattern. Reusable class make the Pool object. This object make a limited number of objects. An object from the Pool combined with a user object, and a copy of it placed in a poolback list with key the name of resource. When the object not need any more from process we put back, but not with the user object. So we get the object from poolback list, copy only the members which the resource type object has. Here we want the state to be copy back.

We have an array A() which we place objects (combined from pool), then we do something with them, and then we place it back to pool, keeping only the state of resources. We can use the LastError if we didn't get a resource, or when we pass something which isn't in poolback.
Some times we erase all groups from A() just using Dim A(10)=0 which erase/redim the array passing the 0 for each item.

In ListPool and ListPoolBack we use For This  { } because we want K to be new each time we enter to For object {} structure. K is a resource type so the name$ is final, so if K isn't a new name, the merging can't change the final name$.  We can use pointers and not the For This {}, using K->Eval(M) and K=>ViewState

      Module ListPool {
            While m
            End While
      Module ListPoolBack {
            While m
            End While

So this is the Pool pattern example:

Class MyData {
      X=10, Y=40, Z=500
      Module View {
            Print format$("X={0}, Y={1}, Z={2}", .X, .Y, .Z)
      Module Mydata (.X, .Y, .Z) {
Class MyData1 {
      X=10, Y=40
      Module View {
            Print format$("X={0}, Y={1}", .X, .Y)
      Module Mydata1 (.X, .Y) {
Class Reusable {
      Group LastError {
            Value {
                  link parent MyError to M
      GetOne=Lambda a$="a"  ->{
            Group Other {
            Read other as group
            if len(.pool)=0 then
                  If len(.PoolBack)<6 then
                        Group Resource {
                        Type: Resource
                              final name$=a$
                              Module final Copystate (m as Resource) {
                              Module final ViewState {
                                    Print format$("({0},{1})",.name$, .state),
                  end if
                  Stack .pool {Read Resource}
            end if
            Append .PoolBack, Resource.name$:=Resource
            =Resource with other
      Module PutOne (p as Resource){
            if exist(.PoolBack, p.name$) Then
                  p1.Copystate p
                  Stack .pool {
                        Data p1
                  Delete .PoolBack, p1.name$
            end if
      Module ListPool {
            While m
                  For this {
            End While
      Module ListPoolBack {
            While m
                  For this {
            End While
Group Nothing {
      Type: Nothing
Dim A(10)
For i=0 to 9
      if Pool.LastError then Print "No resources available from ";i : exit For
next i
For i=5 to 0
      Pool.PutOne A(i)
Next I
Dim A(10)=0
Sub Test()
For i=0 to 3 {
      For A(i) {
            Print .name$
            If this is type MyData or this is type MyData1 Then
             Else.if this is type Nothing Then
                   Print "Nothing in A(";i;")"
             End if
For i=0 to 3
      Pool.PutOne A(i)
Next I
Dim A(10)=0
End Sub

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