Κυριακή 11 Αυγούστου 2019

New Banker Algorithm

I fixed the banker algorithm. Now includes two more examples, to display a safe and an unsafe state.

\\ No2
\\ First publish in Rosetta.org
\\ http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Banker%27s_algorithm#M2000_Interpreter
Module BankerAlgo {
      Form 80, 44
      Cls 5
      Pen 14
      Function Request(FromWhere as Inventory, What$, Many as long)  {
      Function RequestPreset(FromWhere as Inventory, What$, Many as long)  {
      Function Need(FromWhere as Inventory, What$, Many) { 
            =FromWhere(What$ + "_max")-FromWhere(What$)-Many>=0
      \\ code for sub can be found from parent module/function (here parent as in code, not as in call)
      Function NewProcess {
            Inventory Process
            ApplyResources(Process)   ' sub need more arguments and read from current stack
      Inventory System, Processes 
      \\ Recource, Max, Available
      ApplyResources(System, "A", 6, 3,"B", 5,1,"C", 7, 1, "D", 6, 2)
      \\ Recource, Max, Available
      Append Processes, "P1":=NewProcess("A", 3, 1, "B", 3, 2, "C", 2, 2, "D", 2,1)
      Append Processes, "P2":=NewProcess("A", 1, 1, "B", 2, 0, "C", 3, 3, "D", 4,3)
      Append Processes, "P3":=NewProcess("A", 1, 1, "B", 3, 2, "C", 5, 1, "D", 0,0)
      Status(True) ' show all process, available resource and max
      Print "Current Status"
      RequestResource() ' display Safe State
      RequestResource("P2", "D", 1) ' display Safe State
      RequestResource("P1", "A", 1, "D", 1) ' display Safe State
      RequestResource("P1", "C", 1, "D", 1) ' display Too many resources ...
      RequestResource("P2", "B", 1) ' display Unsafe State
      RequestResource("P3", "C", 1)  ' display Safe State
      \\ Second Example
      Clear System, Processes
      ApplyResources(System, "A", 10, 3)
      Append Processes, "P1":=NewProcess("A", 9, 3)
      Append Processes, "P2":=NewProcess("A", 4, 2)
      Append Processes, "P3":=NewProcess("A", 7, 2)
      Status(True) ' show all process, available resource and max    
      Print "Current Status"
      RequestResource() ' display Safe State
      \ Third Example
      Clear System
      ApplyResources(System, "A", 10, 2)
      Return  Processes,"P1":=NewProcess("A", 9,4)
      Status(True) ' show all process, available resource and max    
      Print "Current Status"
      RequestResource() ' display UnSafe State       
      Sub Respond()
            If SafeState Then {
                  Pen 15 {Print "Safe State"}
            } Else Pen 13 {Print "Unsafe State"}
      End Sub
      Sub WaitForKey()
            Pen 11 {Print "Press a key"}
            local a$=key$
      End Sub
      Sub RequestResource(ProcessName$="" )
            If ProcessName$="" Then CheckNewState(&SafeState) : Respond() : Print : WaitForKey():Exit Sub
            Local pro=Processes(ProcessName$), ResourceName$, many as long
            Local skip=False
            While Match("SN") {
                  Read ResourceName$, many
                  Print  Format$("Claim {1} for type {0} resource ",ResourceName$, many)
                  If skip Then Continue
                  If Request(System, ResourceName$, many) Then {
                        If Need(pro, ResourceName$, many) Then { 
                              Return pro, ResourceName$+"_Request":=many
                              Return System, ResourceName$+"_Request":=-many
                        } Else {
                              Print "Too many Recources "+ResourceName$+" for Process "+ProcessName$  : Skip=True
                  } Else Print "Too many Recources for System" : Skip=True
                  If Skip Then exit
            If skip Else  CheckNewState(&SafeState) : Respond()
            Print  ' just a new line
      End Sub
      Sub ApplyResources(Where as Inventory, What$, MaxValue, InitialValue)
            Repeat {
                  If Not Exist(Where, What$) Then {
                        Append Where, What$:=InitialValue, What$+"_max":=MaxValue, What$+"_Request":=0
                  If not Match("SNN") Then Exit
                  Read What$, MaxValue, InitialValue
            }  Always
      End Sub
      Sub ClearAllRequest(Where  as Inventory)
            Local M=Each(Where)
            While M {
                  If Instr(Eval$(M, M^),"_")=0 Then {
                        Return Where, Eval$(M,M^)+"_Request":=0
      End Sub
      Sub PrintResources(Where  as Inventory)
            Local M=Each(Where)
            While M {
                  If Instr(Eval$(M, M^),"_")=0 Then Print Eval$(M, M^)+"="+Eval$(M),
      Exit Sub
      Sub PrintMax(Where  as Inventory)
            Local M=Each(Where)
            While M {
                  If Instr(Eval$(M, M^),"_max")>0 Then Print LeftPart$(Eval$(M, M^), "_")+"="+Eval$(M),
      Exit Sub
      Sub Status(Ok as boolean=False)
            Print "Total System Resources"
            Print "Available Resources in System"
            If Not Ok Then WaitForKey(): Exit Sub
            Local  M=Each(Processes)
            While M {
                  Print "Process "+Eval$(M, M^)
                  PrintResources(Processes(M^!))  ' give index M^ as Key index number (using !)
                  Print "Maximum Resources for "+Eval$(M, M^)
      End Sub
      Sub CheckNewState(&Ok)
            local M=Each(Processes), M1, count=len(Processes), alive(0 to count-1)=1
            Local Z, Recource$, safe as boolean=false
            While count {
                  While M {
                        If alive(M^) Then {
                              While M1 {
                                    Recource$=Eval$(M1, M1^)
                                    If Instr(Recource$,"_")=0 Then {
                                         safe=System(Recource$)+System(Recource$+"_Request") >= Z(Recource$ + "_max") - Z(Recource$)-Z(Recource$ + "_Request")
                                    If not safe Then exit
                              If safe Then {
                                    print format$("Process {0} is executing", M^+1)
                                    While M1 {
                                          Recource$=Eval$(M1, M1^)
                                          If Instr(Recource$,"_")=0 Then {
                                                Return System, Recource$+"_Request":= System(Recource$+"_Request") + Z(Recource$) + Z(Recource$+"_Request")
                                                Return Z, Recource$+"_Request":=0
                  If safe Else exit
      End Sub

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